(3) Kriyācandrika Tikā. KB. 3 (26); Waeglat DB. 36 (24). (VII) JUTT ( Sārasvata ). Himsa. No. 998.
orgaraTO JG. p. 355. urgiarataniq+A by Punyasundaragani. KB. 3 WICHT (Gram. 300 ). VD. 7 ( 13 ). (65); Pet. I. No. 280.
UITUL Surat. 8. This is a commentary on (I) SETTETOT by Śrutasagara, pupil of Vidyā.
some work. nanda. CP. p. 658.
orqaTATT JG. p. 351. (II) WITTU by Hemacandra. It is published
hane Hamsa. No. 1432. This ms. also with the commentary by J. Kirste of
contains Varuņakalpa, Vandākalpa, Vienna, at Bombay, 1901. Buh. III.
Hastikalpa and Ankolakalpa. No. 198 A ; Chani. No. 730; Hamsa. No. 156; JHA. 61 ; JHB. 41 ; KB. 3
yaras of Jayabhūşaņa. JG. p. 149. ( 26 ); Limdi. No. 15; Mitra. X. p.
(1) Vrtti by Samudrācārya. JG. p. 154 ; PAP. 17 (4); 26 (4); 49 (4);
149. Dhumā valikā however, as is PAPS. 75 (18); Patan Cat. I. p. 147;
assumed by me below, seems to be a SA. No. 847 ; Surat. 1, 5; VD. 7 (11);
commentary by Silācārya on ParvapancaWeber. II. Nos. 1644; 1681.
śikä of Santisuri Vadivetāla. JG.'s
assumption is based upon a wrong split(1) Svopajña Vrtti. Buh. VI. No.
ting of a sentence in Bt. Nos. 637, 638, 728 , Chani. No. 730; DC. p. 16; JHA. 61; KB. 3 ( 26 ); Mitra, X. p. 154; PAP.
639. 17 (4), 26(4), 49 ( 4 ), PAPS. 75 yaratilagrer by Silacärya. This seems to be a (18); Patan Cat. I. p. 147 ; Weber.
commentary on the Parvapanjika (ParII. Nos. 1644; 1681.
vapa ncāsika ; s. v.) of Sāntyācārya (III) WITTITIETOT ( Kātantriya) by Trilocanadāsa.
Vādivetā la. Bt. Nos. 637 ; 638; Jesal. Bt. No. 452.
No. 725 (palm. ms.). See under ParvaNITTETO Buh. IV. No. 273.
1 JG. p. 254. Thi by Siddhicandragani (Grari. 1200). JG. p. 307 ; Limdi. No. 1259.
(I) galega of Haribhadra. It consists of five
Akhyānas, respectively containing 8, 6, STT TT by Hemacandra. Mitra. VIII. p. 120.
10, 10, 10 Kathās and 50, 75, 98, 93; STATI DA. 74 ( 48 ).
and 123 Prākrta Gāthās. It was composed watac ( Gram. 2100) composed in Sarvat
during the reign of King Sammattarāya 1680, by Sadhusundara, pupil of Sádhu
of Citoda. This is according to a note kirti of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bendall.
in DB. Bhand. VI. No. 1314; Buh. No. 382 ; BO. p. 30; OC. I. p. 272; II.
VIII. No. 407 ( The Kathās are narrated p. 58; III. p. 59; Chani. No. 8; JG.
here in Gujrati without the original p. 307; KB. 1 (60); KN. 38 ; PAP.
Prakrta text; PRA. No. 936); Chani. 15 (11); PAPR. 19 (2); PAZB. 5
No. 432 ; DA. 50 (84; 85 ); DB. 31 (11); Pet. V. A. p. 156 (quotation).
(103; 104; 105); Hamsa. No. 491; (1) Svopajña Țikā called Kriyākalpa
JG. pp. 100; 162; JHB. 34; Kath. latā composed in Sam. 1687. Bendall.
No. 1379 (This has only 85 Gathās ; No. 382, Chani. No. 8 ; KN. 38; PAP.
PRA. No. 790); PAP. 30 (14); PAPL. 15 (11); PAPR. 19 (2); PAZB. 5
6 (50); PAPR. 12 ( 2); 20 ( 4); (11); Pet. V. A. p. 156 ( quotation);
PRA. Nos. 790; 936; Punjab. No. see Patan Cat. I. Intro. p. 54.
1337 ; SA. No. 450 ; Surat. 1, 6, 9.
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