sistaparvan. The whole with Avacuri is
No. 1208 ; V. No. 651; VI. No. 556; also published in Jainastotrasandoha, I. p.
SA. No. 880 ; Weber. II. No. 1974. 273, by S. Navab, Ahmadabad, 1932.
(4) Tikā composed in Sam. 1553, by Agra. Nos. 3225-3231 ; Baroda. Nos.
Padmamandiragaņi, pupil of Gunaratna 2087 ; 3004; Bengal. Nos. 4324; 7084 ;
Acārya, during the reign of Jinasamudra7532; 7630 ; Bhand. IV. No. 264 ; VI.
sūri of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gram. No. 1112; Buh. II. No. 176 ; III. Nos.
7590 ). Baroda. Nos. 2087; 3004; 92; 93 ; IV. No. 139 ; VI. No. 571 ; Cal.
Bengal. No. 7469; Bhand. IV. No. 264 X, No. 27 ; Chani. No. 428 ; DA. 57
=IV. pp. 443-446 ( quotation ); VI. (1-27); DB. 24 (140-142); 33 (52-60);
No. 1112 ; Buh. IV. No. 140; Chani. JA. 60 (11); 106 ( 2, 3, 5,); JB. 106;
No. 428; DA. 57 (1); Hamsa. No. JHA. 38 (2c.); JHB. 31 (2c.); KB. 2 (9);
615; JHA 38 ( 2c.); JHB. 31; Pet. Kiel. III. No. 145 ; Limdi. Nos. 523 ;
IV. No. 1210 ; VB. 29 (22; 23; 24). 567; 632; 930 ; 958 ; 1131; 1132;
(5) Vrtti by Bhuvanatunga, pupil of 1202 ; 1205 ; 1414 ; 1453 ; 1509 ; 1510;
Mahendrasuri of the Ancala Gaccha PAP. 5 ( 31); PAPL. 3 (33) ; PAPS.
(Gram. 4000 ). DC. p. 14 ; DI. p. 54 ; 57 (2); PAS. No. 131 ; Pet. I. A. pp.
JG. p. 175. 93; 94 ; 96; III. A. pp. 28; 31; IV. No. 1211; V. Nos. 648 ; 649 ; VI. No. 555;
(6) Vrtti by Jinasāgarasuri of the KhaPRA. No. 497 ; SA. Nos. 534 ; 659;
ratara Gaccha. JG. p. 175 (foll. 361). 764; 771 ; 880; Samb. Nos. 298; 328 ;
(7) Vrtti by Kirtiratna. JG. p. 175 Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, VA. 4
(foll. 135). (16-18); VB. 29 (22-24); 30 (1, 2,
(8) Vrtti by Silaratna. VB. 29 (23); 12, 25 ); Vel. Nos. 1796 ; 1797.
30 (1) (1) Brhadvrtti in Prākrta; for the
(9) Cūrņi by Lakşmisuri. VB. 30 ( 12; only incomplete palm ms., cf. Patan Cat.
25 ) I p. 118 ( folios 293 )
(10) Tikā Anon. Agra. Nos. 929; (2) Vrtti composed by Subhavardha
3231 , DB. 33 ( 55 ; 56 ); JB. 106; JG. nagani, pupil of Sadhuvijayagani, during
p. 175; KB. 2 (9); Limdi. No. 1202; the reign of Hemavimalasuri, successor of
PAP. 5 ( 31 Gram. 7590 ); PAS. No. Sumatisādhusūri of the Tapā Gaccha
131 ; Pet. IV. No. 1211 ; SA. Nos. 659, (Gram. 18000). AM. 329 ; Bengal. No.
764, Surat. 1, 9. 2593 ; Bhand. V. No. 1265 ; DB. 33 (52;
(11) Bālāvabodha composed in sarn. 53); Hamsa. No. 947; Kiel. III. No. 146;
1670 by Srutasāgaragaņi, pupil of DharPAPS. 57 (2); Pet. IV. No. 1209=IV.
masāgara Upadhyāya of the Tapā Gaccha. A. p. 78 ( quotation ); V. No. 650 ; SA.
PRA. No. 497. Nos. 534; 1201 ; Surat 1, 5; VA. 4 (18);
(II) FITAS Faia in Sankrit by Prabhācandra. VB. 30 (2); Vel. No. 1797.
Mud. 456. (3) Tikā called Prabbātavyākhyā
(III) #TA ESERIT of Mallisena. Mud. 595. In paddhati, composed in Sam. 1704, by
Sanskrit. Harşanandana, pupil of Samayasundara Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha (IV) #f estata of Gautama. Buh. II. No. ( Gram. 42000 ). DA. 57 ( 4; 5); DB.
273 ; Pet. V. No. 925; PR. 240. 33 (54) Hamsa. No. 1246 ; Pet. IV. (V) #TheGraia Anon. in 76 Sanskrit stanzas.
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