First Chapter
(iv) 414 asíta, Bhava Ajwa. Calling a ship, a ship, and so on.
III, maa, Asrava (i) 71 97774 , Nama Asrava , as calling the FAZ , Siddha , Heri Mahavira, the remover of physical ills.
Any such conscious removing of ill implies desire, which means inflow of karmic matter into the soul. In the Liberated state, this is impossible, therefore the Asrava, attributed is only in name.
(i) 7471 4769 Sthapana Asrava as attributing fearfulness to a black and hideous image or gentle kindness to the picture or statue of a philanthropist. Here the image or statue has no thought of frightening or pleasing us and therefore we simply attribute these 7, Asrava -- inducing qualities to it.
(111) 429 ena, Dravya Asrara . As a man whom we have observed to be angry, is not so now and we still say :- “This is a wrathful man.
(iv) 714 9969, Bhava Astava. Speaking of the inflow only where it exists, e. g., the inflow due to anger in an angry man.
IV (1) a 4a9 Nama Bandha, 4, Bandha. O' God, you smote my cnemies. Here the act of smiting implies desire and therefore bondage But a liberated soul can have nothing to do with it. It is only attributed bondage.
(ii) 141971 pou , Sthapana Bandha. As a group of sculpture representing a butcher, slaughtering a cow or a hunter killing a she-deer. Here the bondage due to the slaughtering and killing is represented by the sculpture.
(iii) at, Dravya Bandha. As a man who has worked away the bondage of karmic inatter due to, say, an act of stealing and has become a pious man, is called a thief, as if the old bondage still clung to
(iv) 1974 ,Bhava Bhandha. Predication of bondage only where it exists. As a liar is bound by the matter due to the lie.
V. Har , Samvara, (1) ah , Nama Samvara. As an angry but weak man; not returning the blow of his assailant,walks away in silence. To say that he has a very forgiving spirit, is Nama Savmara, because forgiveness implies the stoppage of the inflow of karmas due to anger and it is not present here.
(11) 741971 Fax, Sthapana Samvara. As in the figure or statue of a woman, who looks the very picture of chastity. Herc the stoppage of the karmic inflow which unchastity would have caused is represented by the figure.