Second Chapter
II. In Liberated souls there is no Udaya of Karmas, because
there are no Karmus to operate. The soul rests in its
own pure nature, in its own thought activity. The f*n Kshyıkabhava is identical with this, when all the Kar.
mas have been destroyed. If only a few are destroyed, e.g. only right-belief-deluding Karmas, the mudane soul has tipa Kshayıkabhava proper, which, of course, is not identical with
Parinamikabhava. Thus Liberated souls bave 2 thought-activities.1. That which arises from the destruction of all Karmas; and 2. Their own pure self-thought-activity. Bhava is the nature
of the soul as affected by Karmas. In its own pure nature it has its own bhava, the Parinamika. But in mundane souls, the soul is found bound with matter. This matter is constantly changing The change corresponds with a change in the soul also. The character of this change is the cause of the different Bhavas in the soul.
Note- That of five thought-natures) each one of the first 3 is found in innumerable-fold souls compared with the one preceding it. In the 4th and 5th are found infinitely more souls than the thind. Thus Subsidential thought-nature is found in the least and Parinamika in the greatest number of souls.
Note-That the first 2 natures can arise only in a soul capable of attaining liberation, never in any other
Note-That there is subsidence only of the deluding Karma (Mohanıya), and never of any other. Destruction of all the eight. Destruction subsidence only of four destructive Karmas, Operation of all the eight
SUTRA 2 द्विनवाष्टावशंक-विशंति-त्रिभेदा यथाक्रमम् ॥ २ ॥ Dwinawastadasaikavinsatitribheda Yathakramam.
( They are ) of two, nine, eighteen twenty-one and three kinds respectively.