Tatyartha Sutram
4. 47:944 ( RU), Manahpar yavya-jnanavarana, Mental (know
ledge-obscuring.) 5. (FAPT) Kevala-)nanavarana, Perfect (knowledge
obscuring )
SUTRA 7 चक्षुरचक्षुरवधिकेवलानां निद्रानिद्रानिद्राप्र चलाप्रचलाप्रचला
FATT&47 II U 11 Chaksura chaksura-vadhi kevalanam nidrahidranidrapra chalaprachalstyanagrddhapasch, kadafedued ye.
(artaraca, Darshanavarana. Conation-obscuring is of 9 kinds according as it) obscures :
1. Ocular-obscuring, ( parau) Chaksu Darshanavarana. 2. Non-ocular obscuring, (998 triatatu) Achaksu 3. Visual-obscuring, (qafuerat) Avadh Darshanavarana, 4. Perfect-conation-obscuring, (at la 19 ) Kevala ,,
(And 5 kinds of sleep.) 1. Sleep, (a) Nidra 2, Deep sleep, (fagfaat) Nidranidra. 3. Drowsiness, (927) Prachala. 4. Heavy-drowsiness, (ma) Prachala Prachala, and 5 Somnambulism, (fara ufa) Styangriddhı.
Fin & Styanagriddhi is so called because the activity of the person is manifested in slcep. This is always associated with painful or undesirable conditions of mind According to Jainism, it is attended with a kind of monomania, ?e, with 44 Arta-dhyana and with unrighteous or wicked concentration, i e., with a 1a raud a. dhyana
Sadasadvedye. watu Vedanıya or feeling is of 2 kinds )
1. Rialacata Sat avedaniya, Pleasure-bearing, and 2. Amala Asat avedaniya, Pain-bearing.