Eighth Chapter
137 SUTRA 11 गतिजातिशरीरांगोपांगनिर्माणबन्धनसंघातसंस्थानसहननस्पर्शरसगन्धवर्णानूपूागुरुलघूपघातपरपाततपोद्योतोच्छ्वासविहायोगतयः प्रत्येकशरीरत्रससुभगसुस्वरशुभसूक्ष्मपर्याप्तिस्थिरादेययशःकोतिसेतराणि तीर्थकरत्व च ।। ११ ॥
Gatijatisharirangopanga nirmanabandhana sanghala samsthana samhanana sparsha rasagandha varnanupurvya guru laghupaghata paraghata tapo dyoto chchhvasa vihayo gatayah pratyeka sharira trasa subhaga susvara shubha suksma paryap tisthira doya yashab kirti setarani tirthakaratvam cha.
(The *#* Namakarma. Body-making bondage is of 42, 1. e., with sud-classes of 93 kinds, as they bring about their respective effect.)
4 na Gati, Condition of existmce.
(1) 71% Naraka, Hellish. (2) faủa Tiryancha, Sub-human (3) Manusya, Human. (4) Deva, Celestial. Gati is so-called, because by the operation of this karma,
the soul topla Gachchhat goes from one to another
condition of existence. 5 wa Jatı, Genus of beings.
(1) outfit Ekendriya, one-sensed. (2) fasfiy Dvr-indrıya, two-sensed. (3) faten Tra-indrıya, Three-sensed. (4) agtieni Chatur indriya, four-sensed. (5) qifin Panch indriya, Five-sensed Jati is a karma by the operation of which a soul is born
in a class, in which other souls, of a similar condition.
are also grouped. 5 gr Sharira, Bodies
(1) stefan Audarika, Physical (2) ffen Varkriyika, Fluid.
HIER Aharaka, Aharaka. (4) de Taijasa, Electric. (5) THU Karmana, Karmic. Sharıra is the karma, by the operation of which material
molecules are set moving to form a particular body, 6 war Angopanga, Limbs and minor-limbs :
(1) lafa Audarika, In physical bodies.