Tatyartha Sutram
fall down from herc. But if strong enough, he can resume
ascet from the 195, Kshapaku mode of ascent in the 8th stage. 12. TH, Kshinamoha. Delusionless The entire f ata,
right-conduct-deluding karmas are destroyed in this stage. And the thought-activity produced belongs to the 2nd
4754*, Sukladhayan The saint attaining this, dose so directly from the 10th stage without passing through the 11th stage. spatiitafa, Sayogakeval, Vibrating-Perfect soul Before commencing this thesoul must have destroyed the three remain. ing af19-, Destructive karmas . (anula iacuta, *714) Knowledge obscurug. conatron obscuring and obstructive karmas. Here the soul becomes mor, Arhat or Perfect soul in human body with vibrations in it. Preaching and Peregrinations belong to this stage.
qartist, A yoga-kevalı, Vibrationless perfect soul This is attained when there is betore the sayoga kevali's Liberation just enough time to speak out the 5 letters 9.,3, n. In this stage-a very brief one indeed the vitrations of the holy body cease, and the soul attainig Peace and Bliss
SUTRA 3 औशमि दिभव्यत्वानां च ।। ३ ।
Aupasamika dibhavyatvanam cha There is also non-existence of a hhava or thought-activity) due to the operation, subsidence and to the destruction-subsidence and operation of the karmn, and of tra thavyatva, (1. e., the capacity of becoming liberated.
(Of course the pat kshayrka, thought-activity due to a total extinction of karmas, is retained, and also a Parinamika . the own natural-activity of the soul i, e, its a Juvatva, oulness or livingness)
SUTRA 4 अन्यत्र केवलसम्यक्त्वज्ञानदर्शनसिद्धत्वेभ्य : ॥ ४ ॥ Anyat kevala samyaktvajnana darsana siddhatvabhyah.
Otherwise there remain Feat perfect-right belief, a perfectright knowledge, in perfect conation, and Ag the state of having accomplished All
(Perfect conation and perfect knowledge imply perfect power