Nineth Ckapter
SUTRA 34 Tafacarca fara TARPUSTITE PRYH Tadaviratadesha viratapramattasamyatanam.
That (peta, Painful concentration is possible only to a man in any of the following stages of spirituality 41, :)
graca, Avirata, Vowless, 1. e., in the first 4 stages. erfaceDeshavirata. With partial vows, 1. e.. in the 5th stage,
qa, Pramattasamyata Monk with some carelessness, i, f., in the eth stage.
(But in this last there can be no ndana,) A vowless person may be a wrong believer or a right believer. Thus there are 4 kinds of souls for painful concentration vız., wrong, believer, right beleiver ; partial vower, imperfect vower The concentration is worst in a wrong believer and begins to be milder and milder on wards till we reach the man with all vows but which are kept imperfectly.
SUTRA 35 हिमानतस्तेयविषयमरमणेभ्यो रौद्रमविरतदेशयिरतया ॥३५॥ Himsanrtasteya visayasamraksanebhyoraudramaviratad
eshaviratayoh. In, Wicked concentration (is of 4 kınds :) 1. Waac, Hinsananda, Delight in hurtfulness 2. wafara , Anritananda, Delight in falsehoods. 3. 919, Steyananda, Delight in theft. 4 fama diramaz, Visaya Sanraksanananda, Delight in preservation
of objects of sense-enjoyments (This is possible) in the Avirata, (1, e the first 4 and in) Deshayrata (z. e., the 5th stages.)
The degrees are the same here as above under Sutra 34. The wrong believer is the worst off.
SUTRA 36 पाशापायविपाकसंस्थानविषयाय धर्म्यम् ।। ३६ ॥ Ajnapayavipakasamsthanavichyayadharmam.
wofen, Righteous concentration (is of 4 kinds, 2. e.,) contemplation of: