Eighth Chapter
tar, Durbhaga. Unprepossessing, even though beautiful,
T, Susvara. Sweet-voiced. Pleasing toned, with musical voice, 5:27, Duhsvara. Harsh-voiced. TH, Shubha. Beautiful body. AYA, Ashubha. Ugly-body.
F, Shuksma. Fine body, uncuttable, all-pervasive. 915, Badara. Gross-body. qaifa, Para yaptı. Within one ed Antarmuhurta, the gaining by
the soul of the capacity to develop fully the characteristics of the body into which it incarnates. The developments are of 6 kinds, 1st 4 only in one-sensed souls, lst 5 in 2, 3, 4, and 5 sensed souls, but only in 5 sensed souls without mind
(That Asaninı) all the 6 in others. 1. Enqf. AharaParyaptz In taking of the molecules to
make the body.
zitaifa, Sharira-Paryaptı. Development of body. 3. 5f994117, Indriya Paryaptı. Development of sensed organs. 4 9791667, Pranarana Par yaptı. Development of respiratory
organs. 5 71941fa, Bhasa-Paryaptı, Development of vocal organs.
Raqqifa Mana Paryaptı, Development of the organs of the mind. quifcat Aparyaptı, To die within one a Antar
muhurta, without gaining the above. for Sthera Steady circulation of blood, bile, etc, e. g. among
men. Steady circulation, etc., relates to 7 kinds of urg Dhatu, primary physiological matter, i e
(1) A, Rasa, Juice. (2) 1991, Rakta, Blood. (3) HH, Mansa, Flesh (4) #Meda, Fat. (5) afru Asthi, Bone, (6) 4751, Majja, Marrov:
(7) F, Shukia, Semen vinile. The nutrition taken in, is transformedınto these 7 gradually in 30 days. From one to the other the transformation takes * = 41 days.
The 7 kinds of 3qua Upadhatu or secondary physiological matter are.
(1) ar, Vata. Wind. (2) fe, Pitta. (3) , Shlesma, Phlegm,