Tatvartha Sutram
मिथ्यात्व Mathyatva, wrong belief,सम्यकत्वमिथ्यात्व मिश्रप्रकृति Samyaktva Mithyatva mixed right-wrong belief and safafhezice Samyaktva PrakritiMith yatva, right-belief clouded by the slightest wrong belief) and the four hotel 44 Anantanubandh Kashayas i e; the error-feeding passions of Anger, Pride, Deceit and Greed which feed the above.
9 yer Tha (Kshayjkacharitra). Destructive, purified or perfect, right conduct, due to purification caused by the total destruction of right conduct-deluding Karmas, Charitra Mohaniya.
SUTRA 5. ज्ञानाज्ञानदर्शनलव्धयश्चतुस्तित्रिपभेदा.सम्यक्त्वचारित्रसयंमासंयमाश्च ॥५॥ Jnanasnadarsanalabhayaschatustritripanchabhedah Samyakt.
vacharitrasanyamasamamamscha. (The 18 kinds are)-4 kinds of (right) Knowledge, 3 wrong Knowledge 3 conations, 5 attainments, right-belief, conduct, and control-non-control. Note-K-Ksha ypashamika i e., Destructive-subsidential, Kshayopa
sham, is destruction-subsidence of Haga E Sarvaghati spardhaka i e., of Karmic-matter which totally obscures, and the operation of fate Deshaghati spardhaka, i e Karmic
matter the operation of which obscures only partially. (4) 97419 #107 (KshayopashamikaJnana), i e, K-right- know
ledge (it is of) 4 (kınds)-1. Mati, Sensitive, 2 Sruta Scrip
tural, 3. Avadhi, Visual and 4. Manahparyaya, mental). (3) agitgitati51 (K) Ajnana, (1, e, K. wrong knowledge. It
is of 3 kinds 1 af Kumati, wrong-sensitive knowledge, 2. 4917 Kuruta, Wrong-scriptural knowledge, and 3 giwand Kuava lhi, wrong visual knowledge The last is also called
fa717 Vi-bhanga. Jnana, wrong visual knowledge (3) 19:11+21 (K) Darshana, (i, e., K Conation) It is of
three kinds. 1, E Chaksku, Ocular, by mean of the eye. 2.49 Achakshu, non-ocular, by means of the other senses
and mind. 3 sqfa Avadhı, visual; They precede their respective
knowledge. (5) 1977 fou (K) Labdh, i, e., K. attainment, acquisition.
It is of 5 kinds: 1. Ta Dana, charity of 4 kınds-food, medicine, konwledge
and fearlessness. 2. Labha, gain.