Tatvartha Sutram
a circle to its diameter, 7 = 22/7 or of the square root 2( 2), which may be properly said to represent an in-numberable quotient. In the science of Arithmetic these are called "ir-rational" numbers.
Samanaskamanaskah. (The mudane souls are of 2 kinds:)
AF Samanaska. Rational, those who have a mind; i. e., the faculty of distigushing right and wrong.
99 Amanaska. Ir-rational, those who have no mind.
A Mana, mind in 2014 dravya-mana, objective mind. It is in the region of the heart like an 8 petalled flower made of Haar'u Manovargana, or very fine mind molecules.
na Bhava-mana, subjective mind is the soul's capacity to make use of the objective mind.
Subjective mund means the destruction subsidence of the Karma which obscures the quasi-sense or mind, (no-Indryaararana Karma), (See Jwa Kanda of Gommatsara Gatha 659)
The signs of rationality are:- capacity of receiving instruction (Saksha), understanding, actions (Kriya), preaching (Upadesha), and recitation (alapa). (J. K 660)
A rational soul-investigates before acting what ought or ought not to be donc, distingushed betwcen things as they are and as they are not in reality He also comes to you on being called by his name. U. K. 661)
SUTRA 12 संसारिणस्त्रसस्थावराः ॥१२॥
Sansarinastrasathavarah. The mundane souls (are of 2 kinds from another point of view;)
54 Trasa, Mobile Many-sensed, i.e., having a body with more than one sence.
Tua Sthavara, Immobile, one-sensed, i. e, having only the sense of touch. Mobile souls are those which being in fear, have the capacity of moving away from the object of fear, Immobile souls do not have this capacity.