Tatvartha Sutram
fore there is no real contradiction between this and the 8th Sutra, because a molecule of, e. g., 3 atoms of matter may occupy less space than is represented by 3 Pradeshas, which would be necessary for the 3 atoms in their free condition. The material atoms have the capacity of compressing an infinite number of themselves into one molecule which may not occupy more than one Pradesha.
This may be illustrated roughly. A saccharım pill compresses the sweetness of many lumps of sugar in it. In the form of the pill, those lumps occupy much less space than otherwise. As the space in a room may be occupied by the light of one lamp and also by 50 other lamps if they are brought there.
नाणो ॥ ११ ॥
(There are no (unmerable Pradeshas) of an atom.
An atom occupies always one Pradesha. It follows from the definition of Pradesha.
लोकाकाशेऽवगाहः ॥ १३ ॥ Lokakasheavagahah.
The place (of these substances is only) in the Lokakasa, Universe.
This division into universe and non-universe (loka and aloka ) in based on Dharma and Adharma. Souls and matter move on and re"? up to the confines of the Universe only.
धर्माधर्मयो · कृत्स्ने ॥ १३ ॥
Dharmadharmayoh kritsne.
Of Dharma and Adharma (tne place is) in the whole (Universe).
एकप्रदेशादिषु भाज्य: पुद्गलानाम् ॥ १४ ॥
Eka pradeshadisu bhajyah pudgajanam,
In one pradesha space (in 2 pradeshas-space, in 3 pradesha-space),