Sixth Chapter
107 Dharma, and the Celestial beings, (ta: devah), e. g. saying that the celestial beings take meat or wine, etc. and to offer these as sacrifices to them.
SURTA 14 कषायोदयात्तोवपरिणामश्चारित्रमोहस्य ।। १४ ॥ Kasayodayattivraparinamashcharitramohasya.
(The inflow) of a hea right-conduct-deluding karmic matter (is caused by the) intense thought-activity prodused by the rise of the passions (and of the quasi-passions no-kasa
eg Joking about Truth, etc., dısın clination to take vows, etc. indulging in evil society, etc.
SUTRA 15 बह्वारम्भपरिग्रहत्व नारकस्यायुष. ॥१५॥ Bahvarambhaparigrahatvam narakasyayusah. (As to the age-karma) the inflow of aang## naraka yukarma, hellishage karma (is caused by too) much wordly activity and by attachment to (too many worldly objects or by (too) much attachment.
e g, committing breaches of the first five vows of non-killing, truth non-stealing, chastity, non-attachment to worldly possessions.
SUTRA 16 ATAT Aimar PE !!
Maya tairyagyonasya, (The influw) of 17491f67 tır yagyoni, sub-human-age-karma (1s caused by a Maya, deceit.
e g. cheating others, preaching the false doctrine, etc.
अत्पाराभपरिगृहत्व मानपस्य ।। १७ ।। (The inflow) of 1994 manus yayu huinan-age-karma (is caused by) slight worldly activity and by attachment to a few worldly objects of by slight attachment.