Seventh Chapter
121 SUTRA 22 मारगान्तिको सल्लेखना जापिता ॥ २२ ॥
Maranantikim sallekhanam josita. (The house-holder is aslo) the observer in the last moment of his life. (of the process of) para Sallekhana, peaceful death (which is characterised by non-attachment to the world and by a suppression of the passions.)
Thus the house-holder's vows are 12, with the last or peaceful death as their supplement.
SUTRA 23 शकाकाक्षा विचिकित्मान्यदृष्टिप्रशमासंस्तवा. सम्यग्दृष्टे रतिचाराः ।। २३ ॥ Shankakanksavichikitsanyadristiprashamsasamstavah samyagd.
risteraticharah. (There are 5) defects or partial transgressions (
Hari.) (which should not be found) in a man of right belief :
1. pieni, Shanka, Doubt, Scepticism, 2. Mi, Kanksa, Desire of sense-pleasures ; 3. fafall, Vichikitasd, Disgust at anything, e. 8., with a sick
or deformed person, 4. Paga, Anyadrıstıprshamasa. . Thinklng admiringly of
wrong believers, 5. gefedra, Anyadrıstı-sanstava, Praising wrong believers.
SUTRA 24 व्रतशीलेषु पञ्च पञ्च यथाक्रमम् ॥ २४ ॥
Vrata shilesu pancha pancha yathakramam. (There are) 5 (defects) respectively in each of the 5) Vrata, vows, and (7) ya Shila, supplementary vows, (which should be avoided.)
SUTRA 25 बन्धबधच्छेदातिभारारोपणानपाननिरोधाः ॥ २५ ॥ Bandha badhachchhodati-bhara ropana nnapana nirodhah.
(The partial transgressions of the first vow ofĞAI FUAT are.) 1. vay (Angrily or carelessly) tying up (an animal or human