Tatyartha Sutram
SUTRA 4 सकषायोकषाययोः साम्परायिकेर्यापथयोः ॥ ४ ॥ Sakasayakasayayoh samparagikeryapathayoh. (Souls) affected with the passions (have) French Samparayika or mundane (inflow, 1.e., inflow of karmic matter which causes the cycle of births and rebirths. Those) without the passions (have) $499, Iryapatha, transient or fleeting (inflow). Mundane inflow is in the first ten, and transient inflow in the 11th, 12th and 13th stages (Gunasthana). There is no inflow in the 14th stage
SUTRA 5 इन्द्रियकषायावतक्रिया: पञ्चचतुःपञ्चपञ्चविंशतिसंख्याः पूर्वस्य भेदा ॥५॥ Indriyakasayavratakriyah panchachatuhpanchapanchvinsatis
ankhyahpurvasya bhedah The kinds of the first, (1.e., mundane inflow are 39 in) number (5 Caused by the activity of the) 5 Senses afory; (4 , 2
, 4 Passions , (5 ,
, 5 (Kinds of) vowlessness , (25
) 25 (kinds of) activity 14 (as follows) (1) 1441, Samyaktva-kriya, that which strengthens tight
belief, e.g., worship, etc, (2) fasangaferl, Mithyatva-kriya, that which strengthens wrong
belief, eg, superstition, etc,
(3) rifini, Prayoga-kriya, hodily movement,
(4) Tara , Samadana-kriya tendency to neglect vows, after
having taken them. (5) 219affin, Irya patha-kriya, walking carefully by looking on
the ground (for living beings which may be trod upon
and thus injured) (6) guaranteei, Pradosıkı-kriya, tendency to accuse others
in anger, (7) Daftar Kayiki-kriya, a wicked man's readiness to
hurt others, (8) ffurfani, Adhikaraniki-kriya, having weapons of