Tatvartha Sutram
SUTRA 20 स्पर्शरसगन्धगर्णशब्दास्तवर्याः ॥२०॥
Sparsammagandhyarnasabdastadarthab The functions (of the 5 senses are to determine the various kinds of) touch, taste, smell, colour, and sound (respectively).
Forf Sparsha, Touch is of 8 kınds. 367 Usna, hot, fa Sita Cold, s, Ruksha, rough, fu Snigdha, Smooth, Stor Komala, soft, mit Kathora, hard, ang Laghu, light; and ya Guru, heavy.
Rasa, Taste, is of 5 kinds faa Tikta, pungent; E Amla, acid, z, Katu, bitter; Ay Madhur, sweet, and 99 Kasaya, astringent.
7 Gandha, Smell is of 2 kinds # Sugandha, sweet-smelling, fragrant, a Durgandha, bad-smelling, malodorous
Varna, Colour is of 5 kınds. Fu Krishna, black, 17 Nila. blue; 4a Pita, yellow, and 4 Sukla, white, 944 Padma, pink
Sabda, sound, *** Sraia is of 7 kınds 77 Sadja, #4 Risabha, गन्धार Gandhara, मध्यम Madhyama; पञ्चम Panchama, धैवत Dhavata and famy Nisadha, 1. e.. the Do, re, me, fa, sol, la, si.
In all there are 27 main kinds, which can be combined in innuummerable combinations
Note That in rational beings, mind also assists the senses in bringing knowledge to the soul
SUTRA 21 श्रुतमनिन्द्रियस्य ॥ २१ ॥
Srutamanindriyasya. (The function) of the mind (is the) cognition of Scriptural knowledge.
Note. Scriptural knowledge of a short is possible among the souls without a mind also. (Sec Note under chapter 1, Sutra 30, above).
SUTRA 22 बनस्पत्यान्तानामेकम् ॥२२॥
Vanaspatyan-tanamekam. (The earth-bodied, water-bodied, fire-bodied, air-bodied,) up to