Tatvartha Sutram
argaanfà || ||
(The two kinds are ) belief (and) conduct.
Note--(1)(fi Aupashamika Samyaktva), subsidential right-belief, i. e., right-belief due to the subsidence of Darshanamohaniya, right-belief-deluding Karmas, and the four gif 14 Ananta-nubandhi-Kasayas, 1. e, anger, pride, deceit, greed, which feed these Karmas 1 e, the error-feeding-passions
(2) faifa Aupsamika charitra, subsidential right conduct 1.e., right conduct caused by the subsidence of a Charitiamohaniya, right-conduct-deluding Karmas
Subsidential belief arises as follows:--
(1) In hellish beings, It can arise a little less than 48 minutes (one antramuhurta) after their birth by 3 upapada instantaneous rise The external causes are
Up to 3rd hell, memory of past incarnations
Hearing the preachings by friendly celestials visiting them. Suffering too much pain.
The rest of hells have only 2, 1 e., the above leaving out Preaching.
(2) In-human beings, it can arise from 4 to 8 days after their birth. The external causes are
Sight of Tirthankara's image.
(3) In human beings, 8 years after birth
as in sub-human beings.
The causes are same
(4) In celestial beings, one antaramuhurta after their birth. The external causes are:
Up to 12th heaven, Memory,
Sight of Tirthankara's glory.
Sight of Supernatural powers of celestial beings.
From 12th to 16th, heaven, the above 4 except the last. In the 9 graweyakas, the first two only, Memory and Preaching.