Second Chapter
Bhoga, enjoyment of consumable things.
Upabhoga, re-enjoyment or enjoyment of non-consumable things.
Virya; power.
All these are imperfect, because they are due only to partial destruction subsidence and operation of their respective obstructive karmas.
is imperfect because fa Mithyatva, and
(K) Samyaktva i. e., K. right-belief. This it is due to the destruction or subsidence of anafaa Samyaktvamithyatva, i. e., wrong, and mixed right-wrong-belief deluding Karmas, and of the four erorfeeding passions, anger, pride, deceit, and greed called ginga Anantanubandhi Kashaya and which feed the above Karmas and by the operation of Samyaktva-prakrıtımıthyatva, i, e.,
right-belief slightly clouded by wrong behef.
fat (K) Charitra 1 e, K right conduct. Imperfect because it is due to the partial destruction, subsidence and operation of right-conduct deluding Karmas and
(1) auf 4 (K) Samyama-Samyama (1. e.) K. controlnon-control. Taking only partial vows, It is due to the destruction or subsidence of Anantanubandhi, error-feeding and F Apratyakhyana, partial vow preventing 18 Kashayas or the passions of anger, pride deceit and greed, and by the operation of the remaining kinds of passions.
गतिकषायोलंग मिथ्यादर्शनाऽज्ञानाऽसंयताऽसिद्ध लेश्याश्चतुरचतुस्त्र्येकैकैकं
370EHET: ||E||
(The 21 are):
Gatikashayalingamithyadarshanainanasamyatasiddhaleshya schatuschatrustyekaikaikaikasadbhedah
4 kinds of condition,
4 passions,
3 sexes,
1 wrong-belief,
1 ignorance,
1 vowlessness,
1 non-liberation