First Chapter
SUTRA 26 मति श्रुतयोनिबंधो द्रव्यस्य सर्व पर्यायस्व ॥२६॥ Mati shrutyo nirbandho dravyasya Sarva paryayıva.
The subject-matter of Sensitive and Scriptural knowledge, is all the six substances but not in all their modifications.
SUTRA 27 1952 as: 11 2011
Rupishva vadheh Matter (and embodied soul are the subject-matter) of Visual (knowledge, but not in all their modifications. )
SUTRA 28 aan TTH #9: NTFU 118511
Tadananta bhaja manah paryayasya. The inlinitesimal pari ul the subtlest toim of that (which can be known by the highest Visu l-kn.wielo, in the subject-matter) of mental-(knowledge)
Sarra aradhi or tull visual knowledge linnus one atom
Riru mati, simple menral knowledge knows an infinitesimal part of an atomie, an infinitesan d.cree ot its attributes This degree is called Arhhaye grizetechcheda Ot an infiniresimal part of its constituents Comple: mental l-nowlerpa ( ATT A Vipula mati ) knows an infinitesimal part of the subject-matter of cimple mantal knowledge. (See also Chapter V, Suira 10)
SUTRA 29 सर्व द्रव्य पर्यायेषु केवलस्य ॥२६॥
Sarva dravya paryayesu kevalashya. (The subject matter) of pertect knowledge ( 13 ) all the substances ( and all their ) modifications,