Tatrartha Sutram
SUTRA 30 एक दीनि भाजानि युगपदेकस्मिन्न चतुभ्यः ॥३०॥ Ekadini bhajani yugapade kasminna Chatubhyah.
Beginning from the first onwards in one (should) at a time as to their distribution (there can be found) upto four (kınds of knowledge. • All mundane souls except the omniscient always have at least two, 1. e, sensitive and scriptural knowledge.
SUTRA 31 मति श्रताऽवधयो विपर्ययश्च ॥३१॥
Mati Shruta vadhayo viparyayascha. And Sensitive (Mati) cupural (Strut andi Virunl (avadhi) (knowledge 312 als) wione knowlidge)
It 13 called "wrong" branle unless there is highr belief, in wledge cannot be called right a characterised by -
Sanshava louhi (Thi i tormed in antic and Scriptural, but never in Visual knoril. Jg
Pipa raw, pero IV HRtak, opposite of truth, (this is touind in Visual knowledge also lid 4 nadh 'ala y.2, wrong inuwledge caused by carelec nese indifference of conturion