Tatyartha Sutram
1991 a Sparshana, Possible extent. (Obbit). From the place of the soul attaining liberation to the end of Loka. Any point 2. dvipas may be beginning, because the liberated soul attains Siddhadhood there, and then its only natural and final movement is vertical and only up to the end of Loka.
af Kala, Time (Real). The liberated soul takes one samaya to reach the end of Loka. It retains Siddhahood for an Infinite time.
* Antara, Interval of time. Between one soul attaining liberation and another, there may be an interval of one Samyam. and at the most of 6 months. As to space, every liberated soul has a form and it is distinct from that of the other liberated souls. But form is not necessarily an attribute of matter. It is the quality which mases a substance occupy space, which is called its pure form. It should be remembered that matter is not the only substance according to Jainism. There are five others; one is space. Space gives place to everything else.
na Bhava, Quality. It's own neurria Parinamaka, activity is soul's own quality. It's possession of the infinities of conation knowledge, power and bliss is its quality from another point of view, 1. e., the absence of Karmas which obscure these
424 gra Alpa-bahutva, Quantity. The size of it's form depends upon the size of the body of its last mundane incarnation. It is noticeable that Existence and number are really variants of a Dravya, Substance,
Place and possible Extent really variants of Kshetra, Place
Time and Interval really variants of Kala, Time and Quality and Quantity really variants of 112 Bhara, Quality.
SUTRA 9 मतिश्रुतावधिमनःपर्यायकेवलानिज्ञानम् ॥६॥ Mati Shrutavadhi Manah paryaya Kevalani Jnanam Right knowledge (is of five kınds) -
afa Mati. Sensitive knowledge Knowledge of the self and the non-self by means of the senses and the mind.
na Shruta. Scriptural knowledge Knowledge derived from the reading or preaching of scriptures, or through an object known by sensitive knowledge.