Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ ABSTINENCE-ADDHAKASÍ the vow of silence, fasting, and a army in the war against Mohammed, hermit's life, are really a. (brahma- 6, XXXV-xxxvii, 164 n.; negotiates karya), 1, 131; enjoined for tlie with Mohammed and 'Abbâs, 6, student (brahmakârin), 25, 62 sq.; xli sq. 29, 192, 309, 30, 67; for students Abu Talib, uncle and protector of undergoing certain vows, 30, 70 sq., Mohammed, 6, xxiv sq., xxviii sq. 73, 76 sq., 158 sq.; enjoined for Accidents, penance performed when three nights after Upanayana, 29, a. happen to a king's chariot, &c., 402; 30, 274; temporary a. ("three 29, 287 sq. nights') of the newly-married couple, Action, Actions, see Good actions, 29, 43, 171, 286, 384; 30, 48, 197, Karman, and Works, 267; with regard to food at mourn- Activity, see Qualities. ing rites, 5, 382, 382 n.; 25, 181; Actors, low social position of, 25, 28, 183-5, 386 sq. ; 29, 244, 357; 104, 104 n., 163, 265, 272, 317. from spirits and flesh after paying a Acts, religious, see Works. visit of condolence, 27, 163; the 'Ad (n. of an ancient Arab tribe), eightfold a., proclaimed by Buddha, Hûd sent as an apostle to 'Â., 6, 10 (ii),66; enjoined for the Bhikkhu, 145 sq. ; and Thamûd, 6, xlviii, 11, 190-5; see Chastity, Fasting, 145 n., 183; 9, 121; the people of Uposatha, and Vows. A. called their prophet liar, 9, 61, Abstract deities, see Gods. 95, 176, 242; punished for disbeAbu Bekr, converted by Mohan- lieving in the mission of Hûd, 6, 210 med, 6, xxiii sq., xlvi; buys off con- sq., 239; 9, 86, 95, 193, 200, 227, verted slaves, 6, XXV; and Ali ac- 247, 254, 256, 298, 330. company Mohammed during the Adâbhya, t.t., a certain cup of Soma flight from Mecca, 6, xxxiii sq.; at the Soma service, 44, 105-8. conducting prayers in the mosque Adam, the first man, 6, 5; adored of Medinah, 6, xliv; or Omar, the by the angels, 6, 5, 138, 246 sq.; first to think of editing the Qur'ân, 9, 8, 19 sq., 43 sq., 181; Satan (Iblîs) 6, lvii; and Mohammed in the refused to adore A., 6, lxix, 246 sq.; cave, 6, 179; and Mista'h, 9, 75 n. God has chosen A., 6, 50; likeness Abu Gahl, an enemy of Mohammed, of A. with God, 6, 54; covenant of 9, 300 n., 336 n. God with the posterity of A., 6, 159; Abu 'Hâmir, a monk who was op- and Eve, birth of their first child posed to Mohammed, 6, 188 n. Posest Annaam reproche des for his 'Abd el 'Hareth, 6, 161, 161 n.; Abu 'l 'Abbâs, reproached for his story of the two sons of A., 6, 101; unbelief, though he gave drink to A. and Eve worship idols, 6, 161 sq.; the pilgrims, 6, 175 n. broke the covenant with God, 9, Abu Laheb, uncle of Mohammed, 43 sq.; his temptation and fall, 6, 5, 6, xxix;. Sûrah A.L. one of the 139 sq.; story of A.'s fall criticized, earliest parts of the Qur'ân, 6, Ix; 24, 178-80, 200, 209-12, 217-21; 9, 343; will broil in hell, his wife recognized as a prophet by the carrying faggots, 9, 343 sq., and n. Qur'ân, 6. lxxi : the Kaabah built Abun, see Waters. by A., 6, xvi. Abuse, punishments for, a. as a title Adar, see Atar. of law, 2, 167, 238-40; 14, 97; Adâra, or Pûtîka plants, substitute 33, 207, 210 sq., 355-7; 35, 239; for Soma plants, are fragrant and is of the quality of passion, 8, 323; blaze up in fire, 44, 451 Sq., 451 n. penance for abusing a Guru, 7, Adar-bâd, son of Mahraspand, 176; injunctions against scandal- champion of Zoroastrian orthodoxy, mongers, informers, defamers, spies 4, xxxviii, xlvi-xlviii; 24, 256, 256 n.; and backbiters, 9, 74 sq., 239 sq., 31, xli. 341; sin of evil-speaking to others' Adbhuta Kalpa, Mahâvîra's parents wives, 37, 130. See Backbiting, born as gods in, 22, 194. and Defamation. Addhakâsi, n. of a courtesan who Abu Sufiyân, leader of the Meccan became a Bhikkhuni, 20, 360. B 2 Digitized by Microsoft ®


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