Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ perfec- and non given in the boo t to be reached ABHYUDGATARÂGA--ABSTINENCE of the Buddha Sâlendrarâga, 21, preaches to his idolatrous father, 9, 429. 30, 93 sq.; asked pardon for his Ablutions, ceremonial, (pâdîyâvih), idolatrous father, 6, 189; 9, 30, 278; 5, 205, 205 n., 259, 259 n., 272, 278 and Nimrod, 6, 40 sq.; commanded sq., 298 sq., 299 n., 308, 310, 333, to sacrifice Ishmael, 6, lxxiv; 9, 347-9; 18,73, 115 sq., 153, 161 sq., 172, 172 1). ; entertains the angels, 166, 309, 313, 340, 343 n., 360, 363, 6, 212 sq., 247 sq.; 9, 120, 246; 365, 383, 433-54, 461; providing prays for and is granted a son (Isaac), a tank for a., 5, 317; prayer when 9, 171 sq.; God grants him Isaac washing the face, 5, 347; three and Jacob, 9, 30, 120; flees with morning and evening a., 19, 260; Lot, 9, 120; the Book and wisdom ceremonial morning ablution, 24, given to A.'s people, 6, 80; the 312 sq., 337 sq., 337 n.; before revelation given in the books of A. and after meals, 25, 39-41; perfec- and Moses, 9, 329; the pages of tion not to be reached by a., 45, Moses and A. who fulfilled his word, 294 sq.; see Bath, and Purification. 9, 253; the sayings of the A. of Abortion, procuring a., causes loss the Christians, 18, 107, 107 n.; the of caste, 2, 74, 281; 14, 133; laws people of A. called him liar, 9, 61; about destroying embryos, and mis- and Isaac and Jacob were of the carriage, 4, 177-80 ; 23, 335; no elect, 9, 179 sq.; God has chosen funeral libations for women who A.'s people, 6, 50. have caused an a., 25, 184 ; a Bhik- Abrahat el Asram, invades Mecca khu who intentionally kills a human with elephants, his army destroyed being, down to procuring a., is no by birds, 9, 341, 341 n. Samana, 13, 235; sin of a., 7, 133 sq.; Abstinence, with regard to eating, 8, 389; 14, 105 sq., 314 sq.; 23, sleeping, sexual intercourse, &c., 280 sq.; 26, 11; 40, 243; the most prescribed for special occasions, 2, heinous of crimes, 42, 165, 521, 524, 100, 105, 113, 147, 150, 152, 187 sq., 527; cause of divorce, 33, 183; pro- 224 sq., 254, 260; 14, 42, 89 sq., cured by courtesans, 23, 280 sq. 181, 210, 287, 323 ; 44, 445 sq. ; See also Homicide, and Woman (c). with regard to music, food, sexual Abraham, Arabian traditions of, 6, intercourse, in mid-summer, 27, liii; chapter of A. (Qur'ân), 6, 238; 275; on the winter solstice, 27, the faith of A. professed by the 304 sq.; to be kept on the fourMuslims, 9, 65; recognized as a teenth, fifteenth, and eighth days prophet by the Qur'ân, 6, lxxi, 57, of the half-month, 10 (ii), 66; the 94 ; 9, 139, 206, 269; sent as an vow of a. from carnal pleasures, on apostle, 6, 183; was a 'Hanîf, not new and full moon days, 12, 1-6; of the idolaters, 6, 19, 54, 58, 90, 30, 29, 333 sq.; from certain kinds 124, 137, 263; images of A. and of food, from sexual intercourse, &c., Ishmael in the Kaabah, 6, xiii ; the as penance, 2, 276 sq., 290, 292 sq., Kaabah rebuilt by A., 6, xvi sq. ; 296; 14, 110, 117, 124, 131 sq., 218, 'station of A.' in the Kaabah, 6, 223, 300; of the teacher, before lxxiv, 17, 58; made the Kaabah the teaching secret doctrines, 29, 77,81, House of God, 6, 17 sq.; prays that 141; keeping silence, and standing, Mecca might be a sanctuary,6, 242 after the Godâna rite, 29, 186; besq.; established the Kaabah and fore performing a magic rite, 30, proclaimed the pilgrimage, 9, 59; 286 sq. ; from eating flesh, and monotheism, the ancient faith of from sexual intercourse, enjoined A., 6, 1, liv, 18; and the birds, 6, for the officiating priest, 29, 197; 41; offers wine to God, 24, 225 sq.; enjoined for the Dîkshita, 41, 185 worships the stars, the moon, and sq.; brahmakarya, i.e. a., a means the sun, until he finds the tive God, of obtaining a knowledge of Brah6, 124 sq.; destroys the idols, is man, 1, 131, 131 sq. n.; 38, 307, 315; miraculously saved from the fire, 9, the world of Brahman found by a. 50 sq., 119 sq., 171, 213, 278; (brahmakarya), 1, 130 sq.; sacrifice, 286 performing an ancient tai1, 59; Digitized by Microsoft®


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