Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 18
________________ INDEX rii AARAF-ABHYUDGATARAGA Aaraf, the chapter of al A. (Qur'ân) up Gîvaka, the physician, 17, 173 6, 138-63; see Future Life. sq.. 179; the son of king A. conAaron, brother of Moses, a pro- verted by Buddha, 19, 241 ; a prince phet 6, 94, 125; 9, 31; appointed of the Likkhavis, on Nigantha docvice-gerent by Moses, 6, 154-6; trines, 45, xv; son of king Srenika, rebuked by Moses on account of patron of the Gainas, 45, xv n. the calf, 9, 41; given to Moses as Abhayandada, or Giver of Safety, a minister, 9, 36 sq., 86, 91, ; epithet of Avalokitesvara, 21, 412. and Moses blessed, 9, 172; Moses Abhibhayatanani, t.t., eight posiand A. before Pharaoh, 6, 201-3; 9, tions of mastery over delusion, 11, 68; they receive a Scripture, 9, 50, 49-51, 49 sq. n. A bális, the Zandik, a heretic, had Abhidhamma, its position by the a disputation with Atûr-frôbag, 24, side of Vinaya and Sutta, 10 (i), xxvii; 47, 119 n. xxxii-xxxiv; taught under the head Âban, see Waters. of Dhamma, 10 (i), xxxiii. See also 'Abbás, converted to Islâm, 6, xli; Tipitaka. negotiations between Abu Sufiyân, Abhidharmakoshavyakhya, quot'A., and Mohammed, 6, xli sq. ed, 15, lii n.; quotes Milindapañha, Abbhana, Buddhist t.t., when unlaw. 35, xxvi ; 36, xvii. ful, 17, 268 sq., 270 sq., 277-80. Abhigñagñanabhibha = MahâbhiAbd allah, father of Mohammed, gñâgîânâbhibhû, q.v. 6, xviii. Abhigiâprâpta, epithet of SâgaraAbdallah ibn Sa’hd ibn Abi Sar'h, buddhidhârin, 21, 207. amanuensis of Mohammed, pretend- Abhigñas, t.t., magical powers of ed to be inspired, 6, lvii, 126, 126 n. Arhats, 21, 1 sq. n. Abdallah ibn Ubai, strong op- Abhigraha and Graha worshipped ponent of Mohammed, 6, Ixiii; by the Snâtaka, 30, 166. leader of the Munafiqûn or Hypo- Abhinandana, n, of a Tîrthakara, crites,' 6, xxxv; 9, 284 n.; spread 22, 280. the calumny against Ayesha, 9, 74 n.; Abhinishkramana-Sutra, transcompelled his slave girls to prostitu- lated into Chinese, 19, xxix. tion, 9, 77 n. Abhipratârin Kaitraratha, see Abdallah ibn Umm Maktum, the Kaitraratha. poor blind man, at whom Moham- Abhipratârin Kâkshaseni, n.p., 1, med frowned, 9, 320 n. 58 sq.; 48, 342. 'Abd al Muttalib, Mohammed's A bliras, became Vrishalas, 8, 295. grandfather, 6, xvii sq. Abhirati, n, of a world, 21, 177. 'Abd ed Dar, as chief of the Kaaba, Abhisasta, see Caste (e). 6, xvii sq. Abhisheka, see Anointment, and 'Abd el Hareth, n. given to their Kings. child by Adam and Eve, 6, 161 1. Abhishekaniya, see Kings (conseAbd er Rahman ibn Auf, con- cration of). verted by Mohammed, 6, xxiii. Abhiyasasa Kula, of the Mânava 'Abd Menaf, chieftain of the Kaabah, Gana, 22, 292. 6, xvii sq. Abhuti Tvåshtra, 1. of a teacher, Abduction, see Adultery. 15, 119, 187. Abhaya, a royal prince, who brings Abhyudgataråga, 11. of the cpoch S.B. IND. ed to be inspired Ubai, strong, of by the Sn B Digitized by Microsoft ®


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