Book Title: Agam 18 Upang 07 Jambudveep Pragnapti Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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भगवान ऋषभ के अनेक अंतेवासी अनगार थे- उनकी बड़ी संख्या थी। उनमें कई एक मास यावत्
5 कोष्ठ में कोठे में प्रविष्ट थे - ध्यानरत थे। (जैसे कोठे में रखा हुआ धान इधर-उधर बिखरता नहीं, खिंडता
नहीं, उसी प्रकार ध्यानस्थता के कारण उनकी इन्द्रियाँ विषयों में प्रसृत नहीं होती थीं।) इस प्रकार वे अनगार संयम तथा तप से आत्मा को भावित - अनुप्राणित करते हुए अपनी जीवन-यात्रा में गतिशील थे।
अनेक वर्ष के दीक्षा-पर्याय के थे। (अनगारों का वर्णन औपपातिक सूत्र से जानें ) उनमें अनेक अनगार
अपने दोनों घुटनों को ऊँचा उठाये, मस्तक को नीचा किये-यों एक विशेष आसन में अवस्थित हो ध्यान रूप
38. [3] Bhagavan Rishabh was moving about delivering lessons to monks (nirgranths) and nuns about five major vows, attitudes relating to those vows and different stages of living beings. [The attitudes about five major vows may be seen in the chapter captioned Bhavana (attitude) in 5 second Part (Shrutskandh) of Acharanga Sutra . ]
भगवान ऋषभ की दो प्रकार की अंतकर भूमि थी - युगान्तकर भूमि तथा पर्यायान्तकर भूमि । युगान्तरकर भूमि गुरु-शिष्य परम्परा असंख्यात - पुरुष - परम्परा से चलती रही तथा पर्यायान्तकर भूमि अन्तर्मुहूर्त थी । (क्योंकि भगवान को केवलज्ञान प्राप्त होने के अन्तर्मुहूर्त्त पश्चात् मरुदेवी को मुक्ति प्राप्त हो गई थी ।)
Kaushalik Arhat Rishabh had 84 ganas (groups of monks); 84
5 ganadhar; 84,000 monks namely Rishabhasen and others; 3 lakh nuns 5 namely Brahmi, Sundari and others; 3,05,000 householder male followers (Shramanopasak) namely Shreyans and others; 5,54,000 female householder followers (Shramanopasikas); 4,750 perfect scholars of scriptures (Chaturdash-purvadhar Shrut kevali) who were not omniscient but knew every word of the scriptures like an omniscient; 9,000 monks 5 having visual knowledge (avadhi jnan); 20,000 omniscients; 20,000 5 monks who possessed the attribute of forming fluid body (vaikriya labdhi) and 12,650 monks expert in spiritual dialogue in his order. Further he had in his order 22,900 monks who had attained such a perfection that they were going to re-incarnate in divine state where all the divine pleasures, duration and divine life-span is available to them in the high class (anuttar) heaven (vimaan) and thereafter in the next life-span as human beings they were going to attain liberation from the mundane world.
20,000 monks and 40,000 nuns in the order of Arhat Rishabh attained salvation. Thus in all 60,000 of his disciples attained liberation from this mundane world.
Bhagavan Rishabh had many monks and nuns as his disciples. Their number was very large. They had the period of monkhood varying from
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