Book Title: Agam 18 Upang 07 Jambudveep Pragnapti Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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[Q.] Reverend Sir ! Where is the pond called Ganga Kund located in northern half Kutchh Vijay?
[A.] Gautam ! Ganga Kund of northern half Kutchh Vijay is located at the southern slope of Neelavan Varshadhar mountain. It is in the west of Chitrakoot Varshadhar mountain and in the east of Rishabhkoot mountain. It is sixty yojan in length and breadth. It is surrounded by a forest. The entire description up to this is the same as mentioned earlier.
[Q.] Reverend Sir ! Why is it named Kutchh Vijay?
[A.) There is capital city Kshema of southern half Kutchh Vijay at its centre. It is in the south of Vaitadhya mountain of Kutchh Vijay, in the north of Sheeta river, in the west of Ganga river and in the east of Sindhu river. Its description is like that of capital city Vinita. Kutchh, the king emperor (Chakravarti) who rules over all the six divisions, is born here. So the people call him by the name Kutchh. The entire description may be understood as that of Bharat, the king emperor except renunciaton. A celestial being whose name is Kutchh, who is very prosperous and whose life-span is one palyopam resides there. So, Gautam ! This region is called Kutchh Vijay. Further this name Kutchh Vijay is permanent and everlasting. चित्रकूट वक्षस्कार पर्वत CHITRAKOOT VAKSHASKAR MOUNTAIN
१११. [प्र. ] कहि णं भन्ते ! जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे महाविदेहे वासे चित्तकूडे णामं वक्खारपव्वए पण्णत्ते ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! सीआए महाणईए उत्तरेणं, णीलवन्तस्स वासहरपव्ययस्स दाहिणेणं, कच्छविजयस्स पुरत्थिमेणं, सुकच्छविजयस्स पच्चत्थिमेणं एत्थ णं जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे महाविदेहवासे चित्तकूडे णाम वक्खारपब्बए पण्णत्ते। उत्तरदाहिणायए, पाईणपडीणवित्थिण्णे, सोलस-जोअणसहस्साइं पंच य वाणउए जोअणसए दुण्णि अ एगूणवीसइभाए जोअणस्स आयामेणं, पंच जोअणसयाई विक्खम्भेणं, नीलवन्तवासहरपव्ययंतेणं चत्तारि जोअणसयाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं, चत्तारि गाउअसयाई उव्हेणं। __ तयणंतरं च णं मायाए २ उस्सेहो बेहपरिवुडीए परिवड्डमाणे २ सीआमहाणई-अंतेणं पंच जोअणसयाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं, पंच गाउसयाई उव्वेहेणं, अस्सखन्धसंठाणसंठिए, सब्बरयणामए अच्छे सण्हे जाव पडिरूवे। उभओ पासिं दोहिं पउमवरवेइआहिं दोहि अवणसंडेहि संपरिक्खित्ते, वण्णओ दुण्ह वि चित्तकूडस्स णं वक्खारपब्वयस्स उप्पिं बहुसमरमणिज्जे भूमिभागे पण्णत्ते जाव आसयन्ति।
[प्र. ] चित्तकूडे णं भन्ते ! वक्खारपब्बए कति कूडा पण्णत्ता ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! चत्तारि कूडा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-१. सिद्धाययणकूडे, २. चित्तकूडे, ३. कच्छकूडे, ४. सुकच्छकूडे। समा उत्तरदाहिणेणं परुप्परंति, पढमं सीआए उत्तरेणं, चउत्थए नीलवन्तस्स वासहरपब्वयस्स दाहिणेणं। एत्थ णं चित्तकूडे णामं देवे महिड्डीए जाव रायहाणी सेत्ति। चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
Fourth Chapter
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