Book Title: Agam 18 Upang 07 Jambudveep Pragnapti Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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गन्धापाती वृत्तवैताढ्य पर्वत पर उसी के सदृश वर्णयुक्त, आभायुक्त अनेक उत्पल, पद्म आदि हैं। वहाँ परम ऋद्धिशाली पल्योपम की आयुष्य वाला पद्म नामक देव निवास करता है। उसकी राजधानी उत्तर में है ।
[प्र. ] भगवन् ! वह क्षेत्र रम्यक् वर्ष नाम से क्यों पुकारा जाता है ?
[ उ. ] गौतम ! रम्यक् वर्ष सुन्दर, रमणीय है एवं उसमें रम्यक् नामक देव निवास करता है, अतः वह रम्यक् वर्ष कहा जाता है।
140. [Q.] Reverend Sir ! In Jambu island, where is Ramyak region ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! Ramyak region is located in the north of Neelavan Varshadhar mountain, in the south of Rukmi mountain, in the west of eastern Lavan and in the east of western Lavan Ocean. Its description is similar to that or Harivarsh region. The only difference is that its ridge is in the south and the circular base position is in the north. The remaining description is similar to that of Harivarsh.
[Q.] Reverend Sir ! In Ramyak region, where is Gandhapati VrittVaitadhya mountain?
[Ans.] Gautam ! In the west of Narkanta river and in the east of Narikanta river, Gandhapati Vritt-Vaitadhya mountain is located in the middle of Ramyak region. Its description is similar to that of Vikatapati Vritt-Vaitadhya mountain. On Gandhapati Vritt-Vaitadhya mountain, there are many types of lotus and the like which have similar colour and aura. A very prosperous celestial being Padma whose life-span is once palyopam resides there. His capital is in the north.
[Q.] Reverend Sir ! Why is this region called Ramyak Varsh ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! Ramyak Varsh is beautiful and worthy of enjoyment. Further a god whose name is Ramyak resides there. So it is called Ramyak Varsh.
१४१.[प्र.] कहि णं भन्ते ! जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे रुप्पी णामं वासाहरपव्वए पण्णत्ते ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! रम्मगवासस्स उत्तरेणं, हेरण्णवयवासस्स दक्खिणेणं, पुरत्थिमलवणसमुद्दस्स पच्चत्थिमेणं, पच्चत्थिम- लवणसमुहस्स पुरत्थिमेणं एत्थ णं जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे रुप्पी णामं वासहरपव्वए पण्णत्ते । पाईणपडीणायए, उदीणदाहिणवित्थिण्णे, एवं जाव चेव महाहिमवन्तवत्तव्यया सा चेव रुप्पिस्सवि, वरं दाहिणेणं जीवा उत्तरेणं धणुं अवसेसं तं चैव ।
चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
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