Book Title: Agam 18 Upang 07 Jambudveep Pragnapti Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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245454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454 455 456 455 456 457 451 454 f In the south-east, south and the south-west direction (from Jambu fi tree) there are 8,000, 10,000 and 12,000 Jambu trees respectively. They 45 are the Jambus of counseller gods.
In the west there are seven Jambus of seven army-chief celestial f beings. In the four directions, there are 16,000 Jambus of 16,000 sentinel celestial beings.
Jambu (Sudarshan) is surrounded by 300 forests. There is a mansion fi in the first forest at a distance of 50 yojans in the east which is one Kos!
long. Its description is the same as mentioned earlier. There are mansions in the other (three) sides also.
There are four lakes namely-(1) Padma, (2) Padmaprabha, (3) Kumuda, and (4) Kumud Prabha in the north-east of Jambu Sudarshan at a distance of fifty yojan in the first forest. They are one Kos long, half a Kos wide and five hundred Dhanush deep in the land. Their detailed description can be seen in other Agams. There are grand palaces in the middle of them. They are one Kos long, half a Kos wide and less than a Kos high. There description up to the seat is as mentioned carlier. Similarly there are lakes in the other directions namely south-east, south-west and north-west also. Their names are as follows:
(1) Padma, (2) Padma Prabha, (3) Kumuda, (4) Kumud Prabha, (5) Utpal-gulma, (6) Nalina, (7) Utpala, (8) Utpalojvala, (9) Bhringa, (10) Bhring Prabha, (11) Anjana, (12) Kajjal Prabha, (13) Shri Kanta, (14) Shri Mahita, (15) Shri Chandra, and (16) Shri Nilaya.
There is a mountain top in the south of the grand palace and in the east of the Jambu and in the south of the mension located in the northcast. It is eight yojan high and two yojan deep. It is eight yoyan at the base, six yojan in the middle and four yojan at the top in length and
breadth. The circumference of this top is a little more than 25 yojan at f the base, a little more than 18 yojan in the middle and a little more than 12 yojan at the top.
It is broad at the base, narrow in the middle and still narrow at the fi top. It is all golden and bright.
The description of lotus Vedika and the forest is as mentioned earlier. Similar are other tops.
There are twelve names of Jambu Sudarshana. They are as follows: चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
Fourth Chapter
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