Book Title: Agam 18 Upang 07 Jambudveep Pragnapti Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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The inner area of that mansion is very much levelled and attractive. It is as much levelled as the leather cover of the drum. Exactly at the centre of that mansion there is a large platform studded with precious stones (manipeethika). It is 500 dhanush long, 500 dhanush wide and 250 dhanush thick. It is pure and all in gold. There is a huge bed on that seat. Its description is similar to as mentioned earlier.
That lotus (padma) is surrounded by 108 padmas (lotuses) which are half of its height and also in their extension. Those lotuses are half a yojan long, half a yojan wide and one kos thick. They are ten yojan deep in water and one kos above the surface of water. Thus from their root in the water up to their height, they are more than ten yojans.
The primary description of these lotuses is that their root is of Vajra jewels up to of various types of precious stones. Their Karnika is of gold. It is one kos long, half a kos thick and completely of gold. It is pure. On this Karnika, there is a very much levelled attractive piece of land which is beautiful as it is studded with many types of precious stones.
९०. [३] तस्स णं पउमस्स अवरुत्तरेणं, उत्तरेणं, उत्तरपुरथिमेणं एत्थ णं सिरीए देवीए चउण्हं सामाणिअ-साहस्सीणं चत्तारि पउम-साहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। तस्स णं पउमस्स पुरत्थिमेणं एत्थ णं सिरीए देवीए चउण्हं महत्तरिआणं चत्तारि पउमा प.। तस्स णं पउमस्स दाहिण-पुरथिमेणं सिरीए देवीए अभिंतरिआए परिसाए अट्ठण्हं देवसाहस्सीणं अट्ठ पउम-साहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। दाहिणेणं मज्झिमपरिसाए दसण्हं देवसाहस्सीणं दस पउम-साहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। दाहिणपच्चत्थिमेणं बाहिरिआए परिसाए बारसण्हं देवसाहस्सीणं बारस पउम-साहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। पच्चत्थिमेणं सत्तण्हं अणिआहिवईणं सत्त पउमा पण्णत्ता। तस्स णं पउमस्स चउद्दिसिं सबओ समंता इत्थ णं सिरीए देवीए सोलसण्हं आयरक्ख-देवसाहस्सीणं सोलस पउम-साहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ।
से णं तिहि पउम-परिक्खेवेहिं सव्वओ समंता संपरिक्खित्ते, तं जहा-अभिंतरकेणं मज्झिमएणं बाहिरएणं। अभिंतरए पउम-परिक्खेवे बत्तीसं पउम-सय-साहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। मज्झिमए पउम-परिक्खेवे चत्तालीसं पउमसयसाहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। बाहिरिए पउम-परिक्खेवे अडयालीसं पउम-सयसाहस्सीओ पण्णत्ताओ। एवामेव सपुब्बावरेणं तिहिं पउम-परिक्खेवेहिं एगा पउमकोडी वीसं च पउम-सयसाहस्सीओ भवंतीति अक्खायं।
[प्र. ] से केणद्वेणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ पउमद्दहे २? _[उ. ] गोयमा ! पउमद्दहे णं तत्थ २ देसे तहिं २ बहवे उप्पलाइं जाव सयसहस्सपत्ताई पउमद्दहप्पभाई पउमद्दहवण्णाभाई सिरी अ इत्थ देवी महिडिआ जाव पलिओवमद्विईआ परिवसइ, से एएणडेणं (एवं बुच्चइ पउमद्दहे इति) अदुत्तरं च णं गोयमा ! पउमद्दहस्स सासए णामधेज्जे पण्णत्ते ण कयाइ णासि न.। चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
Fourth Chapter
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