Book Title: Agam 18 Upang 07 Jambudveep Pragnapti Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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455 456 457 455 456 4 41 41 41 $$$$$$$$$$$45 454 455 456 457 455 456 45
45 46 47 44 445 446 447 44 45 46 47 46 45 45
$$$$1$$1$1$14141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141 ॐ हरिवर्ष क्षेत्र को दो भागों में बाँटती हुई आगे बढ़ती है। उसे छप्पन हजार (५६,०००) नदियाँ मिलती 卐 हैं। वह उन सबको साथ लिए नीचे की ओर जम्बूद्वीप की जगती को चीरती हुई पश्चिमी लवणसमुद्र में
मिल जाती है। हरिकान्ता महानदी जिस स्थान से निकलती है, वहाँ उसकी चौड़ाई पच्चीस योजन तथा : 卐 गहराई आधा योजन है। तदनन्तर क्रमशः उसका प्रमाण बढ़ता जाता है। जब वह समुद्र में मिलती है, + तब उसकी चौड़ाई २५० योजन तथा गहराई पाँच योजन होती है। वह दोनों ओर दो पद्मवरवेदिकाओं के
से तथा दो वनखण्डों से घिरी हुई है। 4 97. [2] The great river Rohita starts from the southern arched gate of
Rohitaprapat pond (Kund) and flows towards Haimavat region. When it is just half a yojan from Shabdapati Vritt-Vaitadhya mountain, it turns to the east and dividing Haimavat continent in two parts it goes ahead. 28,000 rivers join it and alongwith them it goes into the eastern salty ocean passing through the boundary wall. The entire description of the source, junction and the like of great river Rohita is like that of Rohitansha river.
The great river Harikanta starts from the north arched gate of Mahapadma lake. Then turning towards the north, it flows 1,605 yojan 41 and five-nineteenth of a yojan on the mountain. Then making a loud sound like that of water coming out of the mouth of a pitcher, and
moving fast in the shape of a garland made of pearls it falls in the ditch. 4. Its flow from the top of the mountain up to the ditch is a little more than 41 200 yojans.
There is a large tongue-shaped drain where Harikanta river falls. It 5 is 200 yojan long, 25 yojan wide and half a yojan thick. Its shape is like that of a crocodile with an open mouth. It is all jewelled and clean.
The pond wherein Harikanta river falls is called Harikanta prapat Kund. It is 240 yojan long, 240 yojan wide and 759 yojan in circumference. It is clean. The entire description of the ditch up to arched gate may be understood as similar to the one already mentioned.
In the middle of Harikanta prapat large pond there is a large island called Harikant island which is 32 yojan in length and breadth and 101
yojan in circumference. It is 2 kos above the water level, is clean and i totally jewel studded. It is surrounded by a Padmavar Vedika and forest 4
from all sides. The entire description about size and the like may be
understood similar to one mentioned earlier. 41 From the northern gate of Harikant prapat pond (Kund), Harikanta 45
river starts. It flows in Harivarsh continent and when it is one yojan
41 41 41
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जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
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