Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 19
________________ JANUARY, 1891.) THE EASTERN CHALUKYA CHRONOLOGY. the period from the 21st March to the 19th April, A. D. 615; - unless Chaitra sukla 1 of the same year should be preferred, in accordance with a possibility that is to be considered further on. With these leading dates thus determined, and with the dates which elsewhere have been shewn to be the days of the coronation of Amma II. and Rajaraja I. (ante, Vol. XIX, pp. 103, 130), we can now proceed to adjust the beginning and the end of each successive reign. Anterior to the time of Amma II., the only difficulty, - apart from the fact that the periods are for the most part stated only in even years, without fractions, is in respect of the reign of Narendramrigarája-Vijayaditya II. The grant P. states that he reigned for fortyeight years; and M., N., and Q. to X., agree in this respect; L., however, puts the duration of bis reign at forty-four years; while K. and 0. say only forty. I find that from no point of view, if we look to such details as are considered in the arrangement of the first of my two Lists, can a reign of forty-eight years be allowed for, unless we make such large redactions as practically to shorten some of the reigns by a full year each ; moreover, it seems almost an impossible length, following, in a new generation, after reigns of thirty-seven, eighteen, and thirty-six years, in three successive generations. Forty years is the period that fits in most naturally for the reign in question. But a reign of forty-four years can be admitted, without any special- difficulty, if, from the time of Vishņuvardhana II. to that of Châlukya-Bhîma II., both included, we shorten by one month each reign of seven and nine years; by three months, each reign longer than nine years and under twenty years; by four months, each reign exceeding twenty years and ranging up to thirty years; and by five months, each of the four reigns in excess of thirty years. And this is the figure that I have here adopted ; being strongly inclined to think that the statement in L. is the correct one, though, for the present, it stands alone; the explanation of the discrepant statements would be, that he actually reigned for forty-four years, after ruling for four years as Yuvarája; that in M., N., and P. to X., the four years of Yuvarája-ship were erroneously added to the forty-four years of his reign; and that in K, and O. a mistake was made in the other direction, and, it being thought that the forty-four years included his four years of Yuvarája-ship, four years were deducted, and his actual reign was thus reduced to forty years.16 We thus obtain the resulta exhibited in the List on page 12 below.10 Partly to shew the way in which the details have been arranged, and partly to explain why there is apparently not always a uniform difference between the years A. D. and the Saka years, I have inserted certain months with the years A. D.17 These months, except in a few cases, are of course hypothetical, and subject to any future correction. Bat, allowing for this, the List may be taken as giving, very closely, the real dates for the successive kings of the Eastern Chalukya dynasty, up to the latest time for which information has been obtained. 15 In the case of Jayasimba I., the statement of the minority is certainly the correct one; vince, from no point of view. an a reign of thirty-three years be 'allotted to him. - Discrepant statements may possibly be obtained hereafter in respect of Gunaka-Vijayfiditya III. At present all the grants state that he reigned for fortyfour years; but U. adds the alternative statement, " or forty-eight years," in a separate verse. 16 The order of succession given by me differs from that given by Dr. Hultasch in his Genealogical Table from after No. 27, RAjarája I. Dr. Hultzach took the succession of the rulers of Vengl. But from that point the Eastern Chalukyaa were primarily kings of the Chola kingdom; and Voogt was an appanage of the crowa, governed by vioeroys. I have followed the actual dynastie succession. 17 To convert current Sake years into years A. D., the additive quantity is 77-78. In the present day, with the Mesha-Sankranti occurring on or about the 12th April, 77 is to be added for the first nine months of a Saka year, corresponding roughly to the English months April to December; and 78 for the last three months, answering to January to March. For the Eastern Chalukya period, when the Meha. Sankranti ranged from the 19th to the 28th March, and Chaitra Sukla 1 ranged from the 20th February to the 24th March (see Gen. Sir A. Cunningham's Indian Brae), the additive quantities may be taken as 77 for the first ten months of the luni-solar Baka year, corresponding roughly to the English months March to December; and 78 for the last two months, towering to January and February


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