Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 18
________________ 12 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1883. Mânya para would naturally suggest Ma three years which prevails between different nya khe ta the Ratta capital of other grants, parts in reckoning the Saka years. identified with the modern Målkhed in the In regard to the relations at this time Nizam's territory : but it does not appear that subsisting between the Rattas, the Chalukyas, Manyakheta is ever described as Mânyapura, and the Gangas, it would appear that they were while, on the other hand, Må nyapura is the friendly also, that although Châki Raja is name of a large city and residence of the styled the Adhiraja or supreme king of the Ganga kings in the 8th century,' situated entire (asesha) Ganga country, yet that he near Chamrajanagar in the south of applied to the Ratta king to make the grant. Maisur, the site of which is known on the spot Either therefore the village given was in purely as Manipura. The Jainas were in former Ratta territory, or if it was in the Ganga terri. times settled in great numbers in that neigh. tory the king of the latter was subordinate to bourhood, and are still numerous there : the Ratta king. Of any Châki Raja among whether this is the case around Mânya- the Ganga kings no previous record has been kheta or Málkhed, I am not aware. found. But at the time of this grant their The interest of this inscription in connection succession is not clear, while of the Ratta with the Rashtra kūtas is confined to the kings it is stated that Dhåråvarska" overgenealogy of the kings, and the date; for came the impetuous Ganga who had never nothing of historical importance is related of been conquered before,"loand that Prabhůtathem, except apparently an invasion of some varsha or Govinda “released Ganga from island by Dhar å varsha, which is only refer- his long and painful captivity, and sent him to red to in general terms. The succession is his country. But when Ganga nevertheless thus given : in his great pride opposed him, he conquered 1. Govinda Raja. and swiftly fettered him again." 2. Kakka Raja, his son. In Saka 735, the date of the present grant, or 3. Inda Raja, son of the last. five years after these statements, the Ganga 4. Vairamegha, son of Inda. king was evidently free and on the throne; 5. Kannesvara, Akalavarsha, his uncle. and not long after, the attention of the Rattas 6. Prabhůtavarsha, son of the above. must have been occupied in establishing their 7. Dharavarsha, Vallabha, his brother. lost ascendancy over the Chalukyas. The 8. Prabhůtavarsha, II, son of the last, members of the latter family here named perhaps ruling in Saka 735. belonged to some subordinate branch. On comparing this list with Dr. Bühler's But as a further reference to the Rattas, the pedigree of the Rathors," it will be seen that application of whose titles was unknown to me the first three correspond, Kakka being his when translating the Merkara plates," I would Karka, and Inda his Indra. But the fourth now offer the following revised reading of the king, here called Vairamegha, is there Danti- passage in that inscription describing the gift:durga or Dantivarmâ: while the fifth, whose (Pl. II, 1. 5.) Avinîta-nâmadheya-dattasya name is here said to be Kannesvara, with Desiga-ganam - Kondakund-anvaya - Guņachanthe title Akalavarsha, is there simply Krishọa. dra-bhatára-sishyasya Abhaņandi-bha¢âra-tasya The sixth, Prabhůta varsha I, is with him Go- sishyasya Silabhadra-bhatára-sishyasya Janavinda. The remainder correspond, but the mandi-bhatâra-sishyasya Guņaņandi-bhataradate of the grant is three years beyond the sishyasya Vandanandi-bhatarargge ashta-asitilatest year assigned by him to the second uttarasya trayo-satasya samvatsarasya MaghaPrabh û ta varsha. Not only so, but it is masam Somaváram Svati nakshatra suddha panapparently one year later than the date of a chami Akalavarsha-prithuvî-vallabha-mantri grant by his successor. This however may be Talavana-nagara-Sri-Vijaya-Jinalakke Pånadu due to the well known difference of two or 10 sahasra-Edenâdu-saptari.''madhye Badaņe Mysore Inscriptions, p. 286; Madras Journal for 1878, 11 Ind. Ant., vol. I, p. 363. p. 141. Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 72. 13 That this was a cave numeral was pointed out by Journal R. A. 8. Bengal, vol. VIII, p. 302. Dr. Burnell, 8. Ind. Pal., p. 67. 10 Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 69. "Sattari is the Prakrit form of saptati. See Glossary 11. Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 70. to Jacobi's Kalpa-vitra.


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