consecrated water and bull's urine, still then it is not worse than when it does not really arise from the same origin", and its religious rite also does not take place.
10. Also the words of both the solemnization of the Vendidad and the recitation of the Avesta are likewise to be uttered by him; because ? Zaratust enquired of Adharmazd about it thus :: “How shall I purify where he does not attain unto the Airyemâ there are some who say where everything is anuso (discontented')? 11. How as to the fire, how as to the water, how as to the earth, how as to animals, how as to plants, how as to the righteous man, how as to the righteous woman, how as to the stars, how as to the moon, how as to the sun, how as to the endless light, how as to the independent light®, how as to all the prosperity, created by
which differs from the present practice, as stated in the Persian Rivâyats; thus, Mio, fol. 104 a, mentions 31 mans of water and
ine as suitable quantities to be provided. This section is omitted in J, probably by mistake.
Apparently deprecating the use of mingled liquids derived from various sources.
* The passage quoted here is from Pahl. Vend. XI, 1-5, with a few variations.
• Pahl. Vend. inserts as to the abode.'
4 The Airyema (written Airyêmê in the MSS.) is Yas. LIIJ, which commences with the words à airyema ishy 6,' and is the last of the Gatha spells mentioned, in Vend. X, 22, as having to be recited four times in order to exorcise the fiend. The meaning of the question in the text, therefore, is : how is the purification to be effected when all the spells are not recited ?
• Referring to Vend. IX, 161-163 (see Chap. IV, 3).
. This clause is omitted in Pahl. Vend., being merely a repetition of the preceding one, the Av. anaghra raokau being first translated by asarag roshanoîh, and then partially transliterated by
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