not good; on account of which, in any conjunction which is not exact, they believe it possible for a firm mind also to accomplish this auspicious labour (sukh-varzisno), but they say the just and wise should make the decision. II. So that this one is a very good position, because that which is truly issuing (râst-tag) through the conjunction of Satvaharân is from that mighty Satvaharâns, and that of Satvaharân being better through the conjunction of Padramgôs, that is done.
12. You should understand that of the same kind is the similitude of the three teachings, of which you have written, with this similitude which I have portrayed 6 and ordered to form and scheme, so that you may look at it more clearly, from a proper regard for your own deliverance for the sharp
* Reading råf, as in J, instead of the lâ, 'not,' of K35 and BK.
· That is, the circumstances are too unpropitious for any one to come to a decision without consulting those who are better qualified to judge, as is also the case when commentators disagree.
Reading min zak raba Satvaharan, but this is doubtful, because K35 has min raba a harân with zak Sat written above min raba; BK has min zak Satě (or dado) rabâ â harân (or khârân), which is merely reading the same characters in a different order; while J omits most of the doubtful phrase, having merely min zak-í, which, with the alteration of râst-tag into râsttar, changes the meaning into the following :- because that which is through the conjunction of Satvaharân is more correct than that of Satvaharân, and that which is through the conjunction of Padramgos, that is done.'
• Or 'that remains the effect.'
* Reading nîsaninido; K35 and BK omit the first letter so as to convert the word into dihanînido, which might mean presented.'
. From pollution. There is some temptation to use the word salvation for bûgisn, but this would introduce ideas that were, no doubt, foreign to the author's mind.
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