putra' (Catalogue, case 48, miscellaneous). I thought this might be the work referred to in the edict of Asoka as the 'Questions of Upatissa,' but on examination it appears to be a production of the Mahâsanghika school, and not exclusively bearing on questions of the Vinaya. Perhaps it was written and named in opposition to the orthodox text alluded to in the edict. To exhibit the teaching of the school to which it belongs I will briefly allude to the earlier portion of this Satra. The scene is laid in Rågagriha, the question proposed by Sariputra is, 'Who is the true disciple of Buddha, and who not?' Buddha replies,
The true disciple is one who attends to and obeys the precepts, as the Bhikshu Pao-sse, i. e. precious thing (Yasa), who hearing the statement of Buddha that all things (samskârâ) were impermanent, immediately perceived the whole truth. The disciple who attends to the tradition of the church is also a true one, as the Bhikshu who attended to Sariputra's statement respecting Kaludâyi's drinking wine. Those, on the other hand, who neglect either the direct instruction of Buddha, or that of his successors-these are not true disciples. Sariputra then proceeds to ask what are the permissions and what the prohibitions made by Buddha in the rules of the Vinaya, especially in respect of food, as, for example, where Buddha forbids an early meal at the invitation of a villager, or where he permits the use of fish and other condiments. Buddha replies that these things must depend on circumstances, and that the rule of the true disciple is to follow the directions of the president of the church. For instance, after my Nirvana (he proceeds) the great Kasyapa will have authority equal to mine; after Kâsyapa, Ananda; after Ånanda, Madhyântika ; after Madhyântika, Sanakavâsa; after Sanakavâsa, Upagupta ; after Upagupta there will be a Maurya (king) Ku-ko (Asoka), who will rule the world and extend the Scriptures (Dharmavinaya). His grandson will be called Pushyamitra (Fu-sha-mih-to-lo), who will succeed to the empire of the righteous king (or who will succeed directly to the empire of the king, or the royal estate). This one will ask his ministers what he must
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