V, 27.
four points? is far removed, five kinds of fruit from the two "koo?;" 2128
The three periods (past, present, future) are but one in substance; the Muni-great-elephant plucks up the great tree of sorrow, and yet he (even he) cannot avoid the power of impermanence. 2129
'For like the crested 3 (sikhin) bird delights (within) the pool (water) to seize the poisonous snake, but when from sudden drought he is left in the dry pool, he dies; 2130
'Or as the prancing steed advances fearlessly to battle, but when the fight has passed goes back subdued and quiet; or as the raging fire burns with the fuel, but when the fuel is done, expires ; 2131
So is it with Tathagata, his task accomplished he returns to (find his refuge in) Nirvana : just as the shining of the radiant moon sheds everywhere its light and drives away the gloom, 2132.
*All creatures grateful for its light, (then suddenly) it disappears concealed by Sumeru; such is the case with Tathagata, the brightness of his wisdom lit up the gloomy darkness, 2133
'And for the good of all that lives drove it away, when suddenly it disappears behind the mountain of Nirvana. The splendour of his fame throughout the world diffused, 2134
1 The four yin' may be the four points of the compass. But the text is without note or comment.
9 The Chinese symbol koo' means a libation cup.'
• The symbols shi-hi' correspond with Sanskrit sikhin ; I have therefore taken it in the sense of crested. There may be a bird, however, called Sikhin.
• The expression he returns to Nirvana' is unusual; I have therefore used the alternative meaning which the symbol kwei' sometimes has, 'finding refuge in.'
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