V, 11, 7.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to fold up the Kathina in a cow-hide (?)?
The Kathina got uncovered.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of strings to tie it up with
Now at that time the Bhikkhus went away, putting the Kathina up against the wall or a pillar; and the Kathina, falling over, was broken.
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to hang it on a stake of the wall, or on a hook ?.'
1. Now the Blessed One, when he had stayed at Râgagaha as long as he thought fit, set out on his journey toward Vesâlt .
Now at that time the Bhikkhus went along, carrying their needles and scissors and drugs in their bowls.
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of a bag to carry the drugs in '
Go-ghamsikâya. Compare pâda-gham sani at 22. 1; and on the use of samharati in a similar connection, see VI, 2, 7.
! Någa-dante. See the note on Mallaka at Kullavagga V, 1, 4.
* This is merely introduced to show that the following rules or privileges in this and the next chapter (S$ 1, 2) were to be in force when the Bhikkhus were on a journey.
• Neither here nor in V, 11, 5 are we to understand that the needles and scissors are to be carried in bags. They are mentioned in both passages merely to show the inconvenience of having no separate receptacles for the thimbles and the drugs.
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