[The rest of the proceedings are the same as in the last sections 6 and 7, putting 'Bhikkhu' for 'Bhikkhunt,' and 'reverend Sirs' for 'reverend Ladies.']
'Then, further, let them (the Bhikkhus) measure the shadow, tell (the newly-received Bhikkhun) what season and what date it is, tell her what part of the day it is, tell her the whole formula1, and tell the Bhikkhunts: "You are to teach her what are the three things allowed, and what are the eight things interdicted ".""
Now at that time Bhikkhunts wasted their time in the dining-hall, doubting as to which should take which seat.
They told this matter to the Blessed One.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that the senior eight Bhikkhunts shall take their seats according to seniority, and the rest as they happen to come in.'
Now at that time Bhikkhunts, on the ground that the Blessed One had so prescribed, let the eight senior Bhikkhunts in every other place take
1 Samgîti. On the meaning of this curious use of the word, see our note on the corresponding section for the Bhikkhus (Mahâvagga I, 7.7).
The three Nissayas, which are doubtless the same as the 1st, 2nd, and 4th of the four Resources mentioned in the corresponding paragraph for Bhikkhus (Mahâvagga I, 77). The third is forbidden to Bhikkhunîs, below, X, 23.
Attha akaranîyâni. These must bear the same relation to the eight Bhikkhunî Pârâgikas as the four Interdicts in the corresponding paragraph for the Bhikkhus (Mahâvagga I, 78) do to the four Bhikkhu Pârâgikas.
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