XI, 1, 11.
great multitudes, out of pity for the world, for the good and the gain and the weal of gods and men'!" Confess that fault.'
'I was possessed (by the Evil One) ?, friends, when I refrained from so beseeching him. I see no fault therein. Nevertheless, out of my faith in you, I confess that as a fault.'
*This also, friend Ananda, was ill done by thee, in that thou exertedst thyself to procure admission for women into the Dhamma and Vinaya proclaimed by the Tathagatal. Confess that fault.'
"That did I do, friends, thinking of Maha Pagåpati the Gotami, the sister of the Blessed One's mother; his nurse and comforter, who gave him milk; how she, when she who had borne him was dead, herself suckled him as with mother's milk. I see no fault therein. Nevertheless, out of my faith in you, I confess that as a fault.
II. Now at that time the venerable Purâna was wandering through the Southern Hills with a great company of Bhikkhus, with five hundred Bhikkhus. And when the Thera Bhikkhus had completed the chanting over together of the Dhamma and the Vinaya, he, having stayed in the Southern Hills as long as he thought fit, went on to Râgagaha to the Veluvana, to the Kalandaka Nivâpa, where the Thera Bhikkhus were, and having greeted the Thera Bhikkhus, he took his seat on one side.
This refers to the conversations in the Book of the Great Decease,' III, 1-4, and 43–60 (especially 56).
? Pariyutthita-kitto. The words in parentheses are supplied from the Book of the Great Decease,' III, 4, where see Rh. D.'s note on the spelling of the word.
: Pabbaggam, admission into the Order.
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