Book Title: Text of Confucianism Part 02
Author(s): James Legge
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2148
________________ VI, 4, 9. ON DWELLINGS AND FURNITURE. - 187 brought the business he had in hand at Rågagaha to its conclusion, he set out towards Savatthi; and on the way he gave orders to people, saying, 'Build dwellings, my good men, and make rest-houses ready, and prepare gifts. A Buddha has appeared in the world, and that Blessed One has been invited by me, and by this road will he come.' And those people did all even as they were commanded] And when Anâtha Pindika the householder had arrived at Sâvatthi, he examined all the region round about it, saying ?, 'Where now shall I fix the place for the Blessed One to stay in, not too far from the town and not too near, convenient for going and for coming, easily accessible for all who wish to visit him, by day not too crowded, by night not exposed to too much noise and alarm, protected from the wind , hidden from men, well fitted for a retired life ?' 9. And Anatha Pindika the householder saw that the garden of Geta the Kumâra had [all these advantages]. And when he saw that, he went to Geta the Kumâra, and said to him, Sir, let me have your garden to make an Årâma on it.' 'It is not, Sir, for sale, even for (a sum so great that the pieces of money would be sufficient to cover it if they were) laid side by side.' 'I take, Sir, the garden at the price.' No, O householder, there was no bargain meant :.' · The following speech is identical with that put into Bimbisara's mouth on choosing the Veluvapa, above Mahavagga I, 22, 16, 17. · Viganavâtam, of which neither the reading nor the meaning is certain. See the various forms given from the commentaries in the notes on the text of the passage in the Mahavagga, loc. cit. • Na gahito: literally, it is not taken.' Digilzed by Google


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