VI, 17, 1.
give new building operations in charge (to one or other of their number)”, such as the following 2: when some clay or earth had merely to be put aside in heaps, when a wall had merely to be replastered, when a door had merely to be made, when the socket for a bolt had merely to be made, when some joinery-work had merely to be done to a window, when some whitewashing merely had to be done, or some black colouring laid on, or some red colouring, or some roofing-work, or some joinery, or a bar had to be fixed to a door, when breaches or decay had merely to be repaired", or the flooring to be re-plastered 6 ; and they assigned this office to one another for terms of twenty or thirty years, or
with offences in relation to the navakammam. See, for instance, Pârågika III, 5, 30.
For the rule authorising such giving in charge in general cases, see above, VI, 5.
* For most of the following technical terms in building, see our notes above on K'ullavagga V, 11, and V, 1, a.
* See our note on this phrase above, V, 11, 6.
• Gandika dhana-mattena ti dvâra-bâhânam upari-kapotagandika-yogana-mattena (B.). Gandi is used in this sense at Gâtaka I, 237. Compare the use of Dhamma-gandikå, 'block of execution,' at Gâtaka I, 150, II, 124. The word gandika occurs also at Gataka I, 474 (last line), in the sense of 'bunch :' but it is there probably a misprint; for Oldenberg, in the parallel passage at Bhikkhunî-vibhanga, Pâkittiya I, I, reads bhandike. That the two words are easily confused in Burmese writing is shown by the fact that the Berlin (Burmese) copy of Buddhaghosa reads here also bhandikâdhâna-mattenâ ti, &c., and again afterwards bhandika.
• See our note on this phrase above, VI, 5, 2.
• Paribhanda-karana-mattenå ti gomaya-paribhanda-kasavaparikarana-mattena (B.). The very same expression is used in a wholly doubtful sense, and of some process of tailoring, in Mahavagga VII, 1, 5.
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