His eye ever looking onward without a moment's hesitation, Regarding the example of the Buddhas of the ten regions (the universe), How can such a one again repose in sleep? With equal mind' ever lost in contemplation (dhyana), Without at any time disturbance or confusion,
The mind fixed as a great mountain, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Possessed of wisdom (prågaa) without limit, With divine penetration like the sun's brightness, Able to open out and explain every subject of enquiry, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Always cherishing the fourfold qualities, Practising love and pity, joy and equanimity Ceaselessly and without neglect as Brahma' himself, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Reverently practising the four gracious acts Benevolence, charity, humanity, and love Doing all for the good of men and that they again may profit others, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Reverently performing the thirty-seven divisions , How can such a one again repose in sleep? Always exercising the cross-method of indirect means (upaya), Taking advantage of the occasion to open out and convert (explain and
so convert), Aiming in every turn to save the whole creation, How can such a one again repose in sleep? His heart always at perfect rest, His mind fixed with no approach to indifference, Entering thus on the deep and impenetrable samadhi, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Seeing clearly the beginning and ending (of the history) of that and
this (i. e. of all), Beholding as though present all the Buddhas, Explaining that they (i. e. the Buddhas) are essentially without be
ginning, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Ever practising (or using) the three gates of salvation, (Viz.) (the gate of) perfect void, without qualities, incessant effort
(prayer or vow), (Teaching) that the ideas of real existence (bhava), And the absence of such existence, are without solid foundation, How can such a one again repose in sleep? Great in love, of unfailing compassion,
1 Yih-sin generally corresponds to the Sanskrit samyak; it denotes the condition enjoyed during samadhi.
· Viz. the four qualities of heart named in the next line. 'Fan. • Yan-hing, these four are named in the line following.
$ The thirty-seven perfections necessary to the attainment of Bodhi. I have not thought it necessary to name these in the text.
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