IV, 14, 3.
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posal of a resolution, the proceeding by ñattidutiya-kamma’, or by ñatti-katuttha-kamma?, that is called a legal question of business.
3. What is that which gives rise to a legal question of dispute ? There are six causes of dispute that give rise to legal questions of dispute. And there are three causes of wrong-doing that give rise to legal questions of dispute, and three causes of right-doing that give rise to legal questions of dispute. And which are these six ?
'In the first place, O Bhikkhus, there is the Bhikkhu who is angry, and who bears enmity in his heart. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, O Bhikkhus, is such an angry man bearing enmity in his heart, he remains without reverence for, and without delight in the Teacher, the Dhamma, and the Samgha, and does not fulfil all the duties of a disciple. And whatsoever Bhikkhu, O Bhikkhus, remains without reverence for, and without delight in the Teacher, the Dhamma, and the Samgha, and does not fulfil all the duties of a disciple, he causes disputes to arise in the Samgha, and such a dispute becomes a cause
1 A palokana-kamman ti-adi pana tass' eva pabheda-vakanan. Tattha a palokana-kammam nama sîmallhakam samgham sodhetvà khandârahânam khandam âharitvå samaggassa anumatiya tikkhattum sâvetvå katabba-kammam (S. P.).
. See our note at Mahavagga I, 28, 3. The Samanta Pasadiká here says, nattidutiya kammam pana apalokelva kattabbam pi atthi akattabbam pi atthi. Tattha sîmasammuti sîmasamühanana kathinadanam kathinubbhâro kûtavatthudesanâ viharavatthudesanâ 'ti imâni kha kammâni garukâni apaloketvâ kâtum na valtati, nattidutiyakammavâkam sâvetva 'va kâtabbâni, avasesâ terasa sammutiyo senâsanagâhakamataka (? patta) kîvaradânâti(odio?)sammutiyo kâ 'ti evarūpâni lahukakammâni apaloketvâ pi katum vattanti.
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