V, 27.
system, in saving the world and yet saving ! he has destroyed the teaching of heresy, in order to reach his independent (self-sufficient) mode (way) [of doctrine). 2164
'And now he enters the great quiet (place)! no longer has the world a protector or saviour! the great army host of Mara-råga, rousing their warrior (spirits), shaking the great earth, 2165
Desired to injure the honour'd Muni! but they could not move him, whom in a moment now the Mara “inconstancy” destroys. 2166
"The heavenly occupants (Devas) everywhere assemble as a cloud! they fill the space of heaven, fearing the endless (mastery of) birth and death! their hearts are full of (give birth to) grief and dread! 2167
His Deva eyes clearly behold, without the limitations of near or distant, the fruits of works discerned throughout, as an image perceived in a mirror! 2168
· His Deva ears perfect and discriminating throughout, hear all, though far away (not near), mounting through space he teaches all the Devas, surpassing his method (limit) of converting men! 2169
'He divides his body still one in substance, crosses the water as if it were not weak (to bear)"I remembers all his former births, through countless kalpas none forgotten! 2170
* This sentence may perhaps be rendered thus, dividing his body yet one in substance, wading through water and yet not weak,' but the allusion is obscure. (It refers, probably, to Buddha's miraculous powers.
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