any customary part, while being washed by him, is to be preserved from that which is not washed; when it comes upon it, it is improper.
k. When a drop of water (av yūgako-1) shall remain upon him, his hand is to be thoroughly rubbed over it; when at the same hole and he becomes doubtful as to a customary part1, when he knows which, it is to be washed by him again, and from that onwards they are always to be washed again by him; when he does not know which, the beginning of the washing at the hole is to be done again by him, and when he comes unto that which he did before, when he knows it, he is also to go again to that after it, from his doing again of the beginning of the washing at the hole; when he becomes doubtful as to the hole, he is to go back to that which is not doubtful.
I. And when they go from hole to hole, the dog is to be held once, the Avesta s of the purifier is to be spoken, and it is to be done by him thus :—When he arrives at the place, it is done by him; when not, the head is to be done thoroughly—there are some who would say thus : 'In the same hole the head is to be done thoroughly'—and all four feet of the dog are to be put by him into the hole; he is also to sit down within four finger-breadthst, and the Pankadasa zemo hankanayen ('fifteen times of earth they shall
1 That is, when he is doubtful which he washed last.
? The dog is not mentioned in the Avesta account of the Bareshnûm in Vend. IX, but it is ordered to be brought before the unclean person in another such account in Vend. VIII, 120, 123. The use of the dog is that its sight or touch is supposed to destroy or drive away the Nasūs, or fiend of corruption. "The exorcism in 118.
* See $121.
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