Moon, the soul's descending from
the, ii, 126-128. Mother-of-pearl mistaken for silver,
simile, i, 4 D., 5, 43. Mundaka-upanishad and the rite of
carrying fire on the head, ii, 186,
189 seq. Muni, the state of the, enjoined
by the side of learning and childlike state, i, p. lxxvi; ii, 323-327.
Mind is superior to the sense-objects,
i, 239. - intellect is higher than the, i, 239
seq. - presupposes the existence of an
aggregate of atoms, viz. the body
(Bauddha), i, 403 n. - Pradyumna denotes tbe, i, 440. -- speech, breath, and m. presup
pose fire, water, and earth, ii, 78
seq. - has all things for its objects and
extends to the past, the present,
and the future, ii, 81. on account of the plurality of its
functions we find it designated as manas or buddhi or aham
kâra or kitta, ii, 81. - has five functions, ii, 89 seq. - accompanies the soul when leav
ing its body, ii, 102. - six and thirty thousand different
energies of the m. identified with the fire-altars, the cups,
&c., ii, 265. - speech is merged in, ii, 364 seq. - all sense-organs are merged in, ii,
365 seq. breath may be viewed as the
causal substance of, ii, 366. - is earth, ii, 366. - i.e. the function of m., is merged
in breath, on the departure of
the soul, ii, 366 seq. Mitra and Varuna, Vasishiba again
procreated by them, ii, 235. Moksha. See Release. Moksha Sastras, ii, 158. Momentariness, the Bauddha doc
trine of universal m., i, 403 n., 407, 408, 427. --- is impossible on account of remembrance of the perceiv
ing person, i, 413-415. Monism. See Advaita. Moon, men who perform sacrifices
&c. ascend after death to the, i, p. cvii, 108, 110, 112, 114, 131
125. - the soul's ascent to, and descent
from the, ii, 101-132. — the body of the soul in the m.
consists of water, which had originated in the m. for the purpose of enjoying the fruits of works, ii, 114, 115, 127.
theeath, 01266 seasishtbe
Nâdis, veins or arteries of the body,
by means of them the soul departs from the body, i, pp.
lxxix, lxxxii. - deep sleep takes place in them,
i, 191; ii, 141-146. - glorified, ii, 143. - light contained in them, ii, 144. - and pericardium are, in deep
sleep, merely the limiting ad
juncts of the soul, ii, 145. - see also Veins. Nakiketa, legend of, ii, 123. Nakiketas, colloquy between Yama
and, i, 247-252. Names, the two secret, applied to
the deva-abode of Brahman and to its bodily abode, are to be
held apart, ii, 216-218. - and forms, i, p. xxv. - - their evolution is the work,
not of the individual soul, but of the Lord, i, pp. lix, Ixiii; ii, 96-100. -- was preceded by the tripar
tition, ii, 98. -- the object of Brahman's know
ledge before the creation, i, 50. ---attributed to Brahman, i, 125. -- presented by Nescience, i, 140,
282, 328 seq., 345, 369 ; ii, 64,
140, 401, 402. - on account of their equality, there is no contradiction to the eternity of the Veda in the renovation of the world, i, 11
216. - - the world periodically divests
itself of them, i, 212. -- Brahman only is different
from, i, 232 seq. - - the entire world of effects is
evolved exclusively by, i, 233, 242, 268, 357.
le attributed by Nes
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