enclosing-stones !, and three hundred and sixty bricks with (special) formulas. This Pragâpati, the year, has created all existing things, both what breathes and the breathless, both gods and men. Having created all existing things, he felt like one emptied out, and was afraid of death.
3. He bethought himself, . How can I get these beings back into my body ? how can I put them back into my body ? how can I be again the body of all these beings ?'
4. He divided his body into two; there were three hundred and sixty bricks in the one, and as many in the other: he did not succeed ?
5. He made himself three bodies, in each of them there were three eighties of bricks: he did not succeed.
6. He made himself four bodies of a hundred and eighty bricks each : he did not succeed.
7. He made himself five bodies,-in each of them there were a hundred and forty-four bricks : he did not succeed.
8. He made himself six bodies of a hundred and twenty bricks each: he did not succeed. He did not develop himself sevenfold ?.
9. He made himself eight bodies of ninety bricks each : he did not succeed.
10. He made himself nine bodies of eighty bricks each : he did not succeed.
See X, 4, 2, 27 with note. ? Na vyâpnot, intrans., he did not attain (his object),' cf. vyapti, in the sense of success';-(svayam teshâm âtmâ bhavitum) asamarthos bhavat. Sayana.
8 Or, did not divide sevenfold, na saptadhâ vyabhavat, -saptadhâvibhagam na kritavan. Sayana.
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