debater and the counter-debaters strike.' We regard prátipråso as gen. sing. dependent upon prasam (cf. st. 7 a), in which case one should like to emend arasán in Påda d to arasấm (cf. Ludwig). If not, prátiprås is to be regarded as a collective, the opposition.' Possibly both are accusatives, overcome the debate and the debaters.'
d. arasản, with double entente, without sap or moisture (in their throats),' and without force.' Sayana, sushkakanthân.
Stansa 2. &, b. The same hemistich occurs at V, 14, 1; cf. I, 24, ). Sayana, suparnah ... vainateyah, i.e. Garutmant, Garuda. But there is no myth in all this: the eye of the eagle, and the nosing boar find the secret seat of the plant.
Stanza 3. Sayana, in the teeth of the Padapatha, comments both here and in the next stanza on tarîtave instead of stáritave. The Samhità may be construed either way.
Stanga 5. 2. såkshe (Samhita and Padapåtha), probably for såkshye (Sat. Br. I, 3, 3, 13); cf. our note on IV, 20, 7.
b. Sâyana glosses sâlâvrikán by aranyasvanah, in accordance with many other scholia, assembled by Weber, 1. c., p. 191. Doubtless jackals, as devourers of corpses, are meant.
Stanga 6. For gáláshabheshaga, see Contributions, Fourth Series, Amer. Journ. Phil. XII, 425 ff., and cf. especially AV. VI,
44, 3.
Stansa 7. d. Sayana, with some MSS., reads prasam for präsi (prâsam prashtâram vadinam mâm uttaram ... kuru).
II, 28. COMMENTARY TO PAGE 50. The hymn is counted in the Ganamåla, Ath. Paris. 32, 4, as one of a list 'calculated to bestow long life;' see Kaus. 54, 11 note. It is worked up more especially in the
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