of the Parisishtas. It seems to have been attracted to its present place by the word yakshmâh in st. 2 a of the text.
2. For arundhate, see IV, 12; V, 5; VI, 59, in these translations. Sâyana overcomes the embarrassing presence of the word by turning it into a verb, rodham na kurvanti na pîdayanti (!), and Whitney in the Index, in the same vein, emends the word to arundhata, though it is followed by the present asnute. The MSS. with accent, árundhate.
f. The MSS. have, mriga ásvå ive- rate, which we have translated. Roth and Whitney emend mrigád résyå ives rate, 'as antelopes flee from the wild beast.'
XIX, 39. COMMENTARY TO PAGE 5. Neither the Kausika, nor Darila and Kesava, make any mention of this hymn, though it might, but for the commentaries, be understood to be included in the kushthalingâh (sc. rikah) in Kaus. 28, 13. It is not, moreover, included in the takmanâsanagana of the Ganamâlâ, Ath. Paris. 32, 7: see Kaus. 26, 1, note. Its failure to appear in the latter is fortuitous, since the Ganamâlâ, like other Atharvan Parisishtas, draws freely upon the nineteenth book; Kausika's silence, on the other hand, is in accord with the general attitude of this Sûtra towards the nineteenth (and twentieth) books of the Samhitâ ; see Kausika, Introduction, p. xl. Sâyana in his introduction to the hymn says that the hymn is employed in the Râtrîkalpa, on the occasion when incense of kushtha is offered to whom?) in connection with AV. XIX, 34, etu devah iti shashtham sûktam (sc. pankamesnuvâke) asya ràtrîkalpe kushthapradâne viniyogah purvasaktasamaya (XIX, 38) uktah.
The hymn has been translated by Ludwig, Der Rigveda, III, 198 ff.; cf. also Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, Index, p. 457 b. For the nature of the kushtha, see the introduction to V, 4.
1 The quotation occurs neither in the Pishlarâtryâh Kalpa (Ath. Paris. 6), nor in the Ârâtrika (Ath. Paris. 7), but in the Purohitakarma (Ath. Paris. 4, 4), where it is quoted together with XIX, 38.
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