2. And, again, as to why he lays down Khandasyâs, the metres are cattle, and cattle are food, and the middlemost layer is the middle (of Agni, the altar): he thus places food in the middle (of Agni's body).
3. He lays them down by twelves, for the Gagati consists of twelve syllables, and the Gagatt is cattle, and the middlemost layer the air: he thus places cattle in the air, whence cattle have their abode in the air.
4. And, again, why (he lays them down) by twelves, the Gagati consists of twelve syllables, and the Gagati is cattle, and cattle is food, and the middlemost layer is the middle: he thus places food in the middle. He places them so as not to be separated from the Prânabhrits: he thus places the food so as not to be separated from the vital airs; subsequently (to them he places them): he thus bestows food after (bestowing) the vital airs.
5. [He lays down the right set, with, Vâg. S. XIV, 18], 'The metre Measure;'-the measure (mâ), doubtless, is this (terrestrial) world, for this world is, as it were, measured (mita);—the metre Foremeasure!'—the fore-measure (pramâ), doubtless, is the air-world, for the air-world is, as it were, measured forward from this world;-'The metre Countermeasure,' the counter-measure (pratimâ), doubtless, is yonder (heavenly) world, for yonder world is, as it were, counter-measured in the air;-'The metre Asrivayas,'-'asrivayas,' doubtless, is food: whatever food there is in these worlds that is 'asrivayas.' Or, whatever food (anna) flows (sravati) from these
1 That is, made a counterfeit, or copy, of the earth.
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